
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Module_1: Assignment

For this assignment, you're going to fork this repository to your own Github account and clone that repository locally. Inside the repo you'll find a file in app/js called trouble.js.

  1. You're going to lint this file using http://jshint.com
  2. Make the necessary corrections so the file no longer generates any jshint errors.
  3. Commit the changes to the file in your local repository, and push them back up to your remote (refer to class notes/slides if you're not sure how to do this part).
  4. Initiate a pull request on the original class repository with your changes.

This assignment is due by Thursday, April 9th by 7pm. Once grading has been completed, a 👍 comment will be added to the pull request and the pull request will be closed.