
🖼️ Tool for managing wallpapers on Linux, BSD, and macOS

Primary LanguageGoBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Walsh is a niche CLI wallpaper manager for randomizing images on multiple displays from various configured sources. It supports saving images to lists, blacklisting unwanted images, downloading images, and more, by acting as a wrapper around other tools to query displays and set wallpapers.


  • Download wallpapers from Bing and Unsplash using gosimac
  • Set wallpapers randomly or specifically for each display
  • Change wallpapers on demand or at regular intervals
  • Manage wallpaper lists and set wallpapers from these lists
  • Track recent wallpapers to avoid repetition
  • Blacklist unwanted wallpapers
  • Source images from a remote server over SSH
  • Supports Xorg, Wayland, and macOS

Getting Started

  1. Ensure dependencies are installed.
  2. Install the latest version of walsh.
  3. Run walsh to set a random wallpaper on each display.
    • You can run walsh download bing to get a few wallpapers to start.
    • Then just run walsh set to set a random wallpaper.
    • ~/Pictures/Wallpapers is the default source directory.
  4. Configure walsh to customize it, specifically the sources you want to use.



Only swww is supported for setting the wallpaper on Wayland. swww works across Wayland compositors.

Hyprland and Sway have been tested and are known to work, using hyprctl and swaymsg respectively.



No specific dependencies are required for macOS.

Download from Bing and Unsplash

If the download command is used, the gosimac tool should be installed and in the PATH.


The latest release can be found on the releases page and can be downloaded and installed manually.

To download and install the latest version of walsh using curl and piping it to the shell, run the following command:

curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joshbeard/walsh/master/install.sh | sh -

The script will:

  • Detect your OS and architecture.
  • Download the latest release of walsh from GitHub.
  • Verify the checksum of the downloaded package.
  • Extract the binary and move it to the specified directory (default is $HOME/bin).

Make sure the installation directory is in your PATH so you can easily run walsh from anywhere.

Custom Installation Directory

If you want to specify a custom installation directory, you can set the INSTALL_DIR environment variable or pass the -d (or --dir) argument. For example:

# Using INSTALL_DIR environment variable
INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/bin curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joshbeard/walsh/master/install.sh | sh -

# Using -d (or --dir) argument
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joshbeard/walsh/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -d /usr/local/bin


walsh [command] [flags]

See walsh help for more information.

If you run walsh without any arguments, it defaults to the set command and will set a random wallpaper on each display.

Ensure a configuration file exists at the default location and has at least one source configured. See Configuration for more information.

Set Wallpaper

# Set a random wallpaper on each display using the configured sources:
walsh set

# Set a random wallpaper on a specific display:
walsh set -d 1

# _`s` is an alias for `set`._
# _You can also omit the `-d` flag and specify a number without it._
walsh s 1

# Set a random wallpaper from a specific list:
walsh set -l my-list

# Set a random wallpaper from a directory:
walsh set ~/Pictures/wallpapers

# Set a specific wallpaper on each display:
walsh set ~/Pictures/wallpapers/wallpaper.jpg

# Set a specific wallpaper on a specific display:
walsh set -d 1 ~/Pictures/wallpapers/wallpaper.jpg

# Set a random wallpaper from an SSH source:
walsh set ssh://user@host/path/to/wallpapers

View Wallpaper

# View the current wallpaper on each display:
walsh view

# View the current wallpaper on a specific display:
walsh view -d 1


# Blacklist the current wallpaper on a specific display:
walsh bl -d 1

walsh bl 1


Download wallpapers from Bing and Unsplash using gosimac.

walsh download bing
walsh download unsplash

# Use short aliases:
walsh dl b
walsh dl u

# Use a query with Unsplash:
walsh dl u -- --query "nature"


Standard XDG configuration directories are used for configuration files.

The default configuration file is ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/walsh/config.yml (e.g. ~/.config/walsh/config.yaml) and will be created if it does not exist.

Default Configuration
# A list of directories or URIs to source images from.
  - ${XDG_HOME}/Pictures/Wallpapers

# The file to track the currently set wallpaper.
current: ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/walsh/current.json

# The file to track blacklisted wallpapers.
blacklist: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/walsh/blacklist.json

# The file to track wallpaper history.
history: ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/walsh/history.json

# The directory where lists of wallpapers are stored.
lists_dir: ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/walsh/lists

# The directory to store temporary files, such as images downloaded from remote
# sources.
cache_dir: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/walsh

# The number of images to keep in the history file.
history_size: 50

# The number of images to keep in the cache.
cache_size: 50

# The interval in seconds to set a new wallpaper. Set to 0 to disable.
interval: 0

# A destination path or URI to download images to. This is used by the
# 'download' # command.
# Specify a path with optional environment variables or an SSH URI.
download_dest: ${XDG_HOME}/Pictures/Wallpapers

# set_command is the command used to set the specified wallpaper.
# Use {{path}} to specify the path to the wallpaper and {{display}} to specify
# the display number.
# e.g. swww img '{{path}}' --outputs '{{display}}'
# By default, this uses 'swww' on Wayland, 'nitrogen' on Xorg, and falls back
# to looking for 'feh', 'xwallpaper', 'xsetbg'. Native system calls via
# AppleScript are used on macOS.
set_command: ""

# view_command is the command used to view the specified wallpaper.
# Use {{path}} to specify the path to the wallpaper.
# e.g. feh --bg-fill '{{path}}'
# By default, this uses 'xdg-open' on Linux/BSD and falls back to looking for
# feh, eog, eom. Preview is used by default on macOS.
view_command: ""
  • On Linux and BSD, ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} defaults to ~/.config, ${XDG_DATA_HOME} defaults to ~/.local/share, and ${XDG_CACHE_HOME} defaults to ~/.cache.
  • On macOS, ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} defaults to ~/Library/Application Support, ${XDG_DATA_HOME} defaults to ~/Library/Application Support, and ${XDG_CACHE_HOME} defaults to ~/Library/Caches.


Sources is a list of directories or URIs to source images from. Directories are absolute or relative paths to directories on the local filesystem and can use environment variables (e.g. ${HOME}/Pictures/Wallpapers). Alternatively, an SSH URI can be used to source images from a remote directory.

  - /home/user/Pictures/wallpapers
  - ssh://user@host:/path/to/wallpapers
  - ssh://myhost:/path/to/wallpapers

Desktop Environment Integration

Run walsh however you like to set wallpapers. On Linux/BSD desktops, it's preferred to use the startup configuration of your desktop environment to run walsh at login. You can also use something like cron, systemd, or a launchd agent to run walsh at regular intervals. Or just run it on demand.

If using an SSH source, you will need to ensure your SSH agent is running and the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is set. This is necessary for the remote source to work.


Using `hyprctl`

In ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf:

exec-once = $HOME/bin/walsh set --interval 600

When an SSH source is used, you may need to set the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable:

exec-once = SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gcr/ssh $HOME/bin/walsh set --interval 600


Using `i3`

In ~/.config/i3/config:

exec --no-startup-id $HOME/bin/walsh set --interval 600

When an SSH source is used, you may need to set the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable:

exec --no-startup-id export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gcr/ssh && $HOME/bin/walsh set --interval 600


Using `launchd`

Create a launchd plist file at ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.joshbeard.walsh.plist with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Then load the plist:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.joshbeard.walsh.plist

To unload the plist:

launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.joshbeard.walsh.plist


walsh is released under the 0BSD license