Shopping Cart

Using JavaScript, Materialize, and Firestore to create a shopping cart



  • git init ✓
  • npm init ✓
  • set up fakeJSON account/get key ✓
  • create folders/files ✓
  • get Materialize ✓
  • create secret keys private repo with git_secret
  • set up index.html ✓
  • Add Axios

08/19 > 08/20

  • create new Firestore ✓
  • save products to Firestore ✓
    • data structure
      • name
      • description
      • price
      • sale?
      • discount percent
      • img (lg and sm) url


  • retrieve products from Firestore and show them on the page ✓
  • Find dummy product images (110px and 200px) ✓
  • store images in S3 ✓
  • set product data in Firestore ✓

08/22 > 08/23

  • get small versions of imgs ✓
  • when "add to cart" is clicked ✓
    • Close card overlay
    • Add "added to cart" timed modal

08/24 > 08/25

  • convert to jQuery ✓
  • make a 'cart' doc in Firestore and use that to populate the cart.
    • add quantity badge
    • add ability to remove items from cart
      • show 'empty' when no items
    • update total when items are added to cart



  • get badge to display properly on cart image ✓
  • rethink js organization/refactor