ActiveMQ Artemis broker Kubernetes container image


See LICENSE file.

Deploying to minishift

First you want to install minishift Start it up and set the environment

$ minishift start
$ eval $(minishift oc-env)
$ eval $(minishift docker-env)
$ oc login #developer

Using Cekit build the image

$ cekit build --build-engine buildah

Deploy the project.

$ oc new-project broker
$ oc create -n broker -f activemq-artemis-image-streams.yaml
$ oc process -n broker -f templates/activemq-artemis-basic.yaml -p APPLICATION_NAME=broker-app -p AMQ_USER=<username> -p AMQ_PASSWORD=<amqpassword>  | oc create -n broker -f -

Push the image. You will need the ip address of the OpenShift container registry. You can get this from the image stream in the OpenShift console

$ docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) openshift-docker-ip:5000
$ docker tag artemiscloud/activemq-artemis-broker-openshift:latest openshift-docker-ip:5000/broker/activemq-artemis-broker-openshift:1.0
$ docker push openshift-docker-ip:5000/broker/activemq-artemis-broker-openshift:1.0