
Terraform Zabbix Provider

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A Terraform provider for Zabbix


Data Sources



  • Access to Zabbix API over http or https

Using the provider

Build or download, and install the appropriate binary into your terraform plugins directory.

Plugin Basics


This integration is not feature complete and covers a limited set of Zabbix features.


No Testing has yet been added to this repository


All resources support terraform resource importing using zabbix ID numbers

Templates to Terraform

The script utils/template2terraform provides the capabilities to convert (some of) a Zabbix XML template into Terraform HCL.


Instantiate an instance of the provider.

provider "zabbix" {
  # Required
  username = "<api_user>"
  password = "<api_password>"
  url = "http://example.com/api_jsonrpc.php"
  # Optional

  # Disable TLS verfication (false by default)
  tls_insecure = true

  # Serialize Zabbix API calls (false by default)
  # Note: race conditions have been observed, enable this if required
  serialize = true

Data Sources



data "zabbix_host" "example" {
  host = "server.example.com"
  name = "Friendly Name"
  hostid = "1234"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Optional) FQDN of host
  • name - (Optional) Displayname of host
  • hostid - (Optional) Zabbix host UUID

Attributes Reference

  • host - FQDN of host
  • name - Displayname of host
  • enabled - Host enabled for monitoring
  • interface - Host Interfaces
    • interface.#.id - Generated Interface ID
    • interface.#.dns - DNS name
    • interface.#.ip - IP Address
    • interface.#.main - Primary interface of this type
    • interface.#.port - Interface port to use
    • interface.#.type - Type of interface (agent,snmp,ipmi,jmx)
  • groups - List of hostgroup IDs
  • templates - List of template IDs
  • proxyid - Proxy ID
  • macro - List of Macros
    • macro.#.id - Generated macro ID
    • macro.#.name - Macro name
    • macro.#.value - Macro value



data "zabbix_hostgroup" "example" {
  name = "Friendly Name"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Displayname of hostgroup

Attributes Reference

  • name - Displayname of hostgroup



data "zabbix_template" "example" {
  host = "template internal name"
  name = "Friendly Name"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Optional) Name of Template
  • name - (Optional) Displayname of template

Attributes Reference

  • host - Name of Template
  • name - Displayname of template
  • description - description
  • groups - List of hostgroup IDs
  • macro - List of Macros
    • macro.#.id - Generated macro ID
    • macro.#.name - Macro name
    • macro.#.value - Macro value


data "zabbix_template" "example" {
  name = "Friendly Name"
  hostid = "1245"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Name of template
  • hostid - (Optional) ID of host / template

Attributes Reference

  • name - Name of Template
  • hostid - ID of host / template



data "zabbix_proxy" "example" {
  host = "proxy.name"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Required) Name of proxy

Attributes Reference

  • host - name of proxy




resource "zabbix_host" "example" {
  host = "server.example.com"
  name = "Friendly Name"

  enabled = false

  groups = [ "1234" ]
  templates = [ "5678" ]
  proxyid = "7890"

  interface {
    type = "snmp"
    dns = "interface.dns.name"
    ip = "interface.ip.addr"

    main = false
    port = 1161

    # if zabbix version >= 5 and type is snmp
    snmp_version = "3"
    snmp_community = "public"
    snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
    snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
    snmp3_contextname = "context"
    snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
    snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
    snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
    snmp3_securityname = "secname"

  macro {
    key = "{$MACROABC}"
    value = "test_value_one"

  inventory_mode = "manual"
  inventory {
    alias = "bob"
    notes = "test note"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Required) FQDN of host
  • name - (Optional) Displayname of host
  • groups - (Required) List of hostgroup IDs
  • templates - (Optional) List of template IDs
  • proxyid - (Optional) Zabbix proxy id for this host
  • macro - (Optional) List of Macros
    • macro.#.name - Macro name
    • macro.#.value - Macro value
  • interface - (Required) Host Interfaces
    • interface.#.type - (Required) Type of interface (agent,snmp,ipmi,jmx)
    • interface.#.dns - (Optional) DNS name
    • interface.#.ip - (Optional) IP Address
    • interface.#.main - (Optional) Primary interface of this type
    • interface.#.port - (Optional) Interface port to use
  • inventory_mode - (Optional) Defaults to "disabled", can be one of "disabled", "manual" or "automatic"
  • inventory - (Optional) Requires inventory_mode be set to one of "manual" or "automatic". Block contains key/value pairs as supported by your zabbix inventory version https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/5.0/manual/api/reference/host/object#host

The following only have affect on zabbix versions >= 5 and where type == snmp

  • interface.#.snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
  • interface.#.snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
  • interface.#.snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
  • interface.#.snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
  • interface.#.snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
  • interface.#.snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
  • interface.#.snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
  • interface.#.snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
  • interface.#.snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • interface.#.id - Generated Interface ID
  • macro.#.id - Generated macro ID



resource "zabbix_hostgroup" "example" {
  name = "Friendly Name"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Displayname of hostgroup

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments



resource "zabbix_template" "example" {
  host = "template internal name"
  name = "Friendly Name"

  groups = [ "1234" ]
  description = "Template Description"

  templates = [ "5678" ]
  macro {
    key = "{$MACROABC}"
    value = "test_value_one"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Required) Name of Template
  • name - (Optional) Displayname of template
  • description - (Optional) Template description
  • groups - (Required) List of hostgroup IDs
  • templates - (Optional) List of template IDs to link to this template
  • macro - (Optional) List of Macros
    • macro.#.name - Macro name
    • macro.#.value - Macro value

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • macro.#.id - Generated macro ID



resource "zabbix_application" "example" {
  name = "Application Name"
  hostid = "1234"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Name of application
  • hostid - (Required) ID of host / template

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

zabbix_graph / zabbix_proto_graph


resource "zabbix_graph" "example" {
  name = "Graph Name"
  height = "100"
  width = "100"
  type = "normal"
  percent_left = "0"
  percent_right = "0"

  do3d = true
  legend = true
  work_period = true

  ymax = "100"
  ymax_itemid = "1234"
  ymax_type = "calculated"
  ymin = "100"
  ymin_itemid = "1234"
  ymin_type = "calculated"

  item {
    color = "#ffffff"
    itemid = "1234"
    function = "min"
    drawtype = "line"
    sortorder = "0"
    type = "simple"
    yaxis_side = "left"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Name of graph
  • height - (Required) Height of graph
  • width - (Required) Width of graph
  • type - (Optional) Graph type, defaults to "normal" one of "normal", "stacked", "pie", "exploded"
  • percent_left - (Optional) Left percentile, defaults to 0
  • percent_right - (Optional) Right percentile, defaults to 0
  • do3d - (Optional) 3D graph, defaults to false
  • legend - (Optional) Show legend, defaults to true
  • work_period - (Optional) Show work period, defaults to true
  • ymax - (Optional) Max value of y axis, defaults to 100
  • ymax_itemid - (Optional) ItemID to use as the y axis maximum
  • ymax_type - (Optional) Type of yaxis max limit, defaults to "calculated", one of "calculated", "fixed", "item"
  • ymin - (Optional) Min value of y axis, defaults to 0
  • ymin_itemid - (Optional) ItemID to use as the y axis minimum
  • ymin_type - (Optional) Type of yaxis min limit, defaults to "calculated", one of "calculated", "fixed", "item"
  • item - (Required) List of item objects
    • color - (Required) Item Color
    • itemid - (Required) ID of item
    • function - (Optional) Data Function, defaults to "min", one of "min", "average", "max", "all", "last"
    • drawtype - (Optional) Draw Type, defaults to "line", one of "line", "filled", "bold", "dot", "dashed", "gradient"
    • sortorder - (Optional) Position of item in graph, defaults to 0
    • type - (Optional) Type of graph item, defaults to "simple", one of "simple", "sum"
    • yaxis_side - (Optional) Side of Y Axis, defaults to "left", one of "left", "right"

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

zabbix_trigger / zabbix_proto_trigger


resource "zabbix_trigger" "example" {
  name = "Trigger Name"
  expression = "{trigger:expression.last()} > 10"
  comments = "Trigger Comments"

  priority = "high"
  enabled = false

  multiple = false
  url = "http://example.com/triggerdocs"
  recovery_none = false
  recovery_expression = "{trigger:expression.last()} > 15"

  correlation_tag = "example"
  manual_close = false

  dependencies = [ "1234" ]

  tag {
    key = "service_type"
    value = "webserver"


When referencing hosts, templates or items within the expression, or recovery_expression, ensure you reference other resources via an attribute lookup.

Without this, simply specifying the raw strings, will prevent terraform from correctly understanding the dependencies between triggers and other resources.


# Bad
expression = "{Template Name:itemname.last()}>0"

# Good
expression = "{${zabbix_template.a.name}:${zabbix_item_snmp.b.key}.last()}>0"

Argument Reference

  • host - (Required) Trigger name
  • expression - (Required) Trigger expression
  • comments - (Optional) Trigger comments
  • priority - (Optional) Trigger priority, defaults to non_classified, one of (not_classified, info, warn, average, high, disaster)
  • enabled - (Optional) Enable trigger, defaults to true
  • multiple - (Optional) Generate multiple alerts, defaults to false
  • url - (Optional) Trigger URL
  • recovery_none - (Optional) Disable recovery expressions, defaults to false
  • recovery_expression - (Optional) Use this specific recovery expression
  • correlation_tag - (Optional) Use this specific correlation tag
  • manual_close - (Optional) Allow manual resolution
  • dependencies - (Optional) List of Trigger IDs to be attached as dependencies
  • tag - (Optional) List of Tags
    • tag.#.key - (Required) Tag Key
    • tag.#.value - (Optional) Tag Value (for tags with a name and value)

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments

zabbix_item_agent / zabbix_proto_item_agent


resource "zabbix_item_agent" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  active = true

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • active - (Optional) zabbix active agent (defaults to false)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_snmp / zabbix_proto_item_snmp


resource "zabbix_item_snmp" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"
  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"

  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  snmp_oid = "
  # below should only be used on zabbix versions < 5
  snmp_version = "3"
  snmp_community = "public"

  snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
  snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
  snmp3_contextname = "context"
  snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
  snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
  snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
  snmp3_securityname = "secname"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate
  • snmp_oid - (Required) SNMP OID Number

The following only have an effect in zabbix versions < 5

  • snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
  • snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
  • snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
  • snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
  • snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
  • snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
  • snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
  • snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
  • snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_simple / zabbix_proto_item_simple


resource "zabbix_item_simple" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "net.tcp.service[ftp,,155]"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"

  applications = [ "4567" ]

  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_http / zabbix_proto_item_http


resource "zabbix_item_http" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "http_value_search"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"

  applications = [ "4567" ]

  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  url = "http://example.com"
  request_method = "post"
  post_type = "body"
  posts = "{}"
  status_codes = "200"
  timeout = "3s"
  verify_host = true
  verify_peer = true

  auth_type = "basic"
  username = "bob"
  password = "supersecretpassword"

  headers = {
    "Accept": "application/json"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to

  • key - (Required) Item Key

  • name - (Required) Item Name

  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)

  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m

  • history - (Optional) Item retention period

  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period

  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors

    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • url - (Required) URL to fetch

  • request_method - (Optional) Method to use, defaults to "get", one of (get, post, put, head)

  • post_type - (Optional) Post type to use, defaults to "body", one of (body, headers, both)

  • status_codes - (Optional) Status codes to detect, defaults to 200

  • timeout - (Optional) Request timeout, defaults to 3s

  • verify_host (Optional) TLS host verification, defaults to true

  • verify_peer (Optional) TLS peer verification, defaults to true

  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to

  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

  • auth_type - (Optional) Authentication type, defaults to "none", one of none, basic, digest, ntlm, kerberos

  • username - (Optional) Username

  • password - (Optional) Password

  • headers - (Optional) Map of http headers to include

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_trapper / zabbix_proto_item_trapper


resource "zabbix_item_trapper" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "trapper_item_key"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"

  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_aggregate / zabbix_proto_item_aggregate


resource "zabbix_item_aggregate" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "grpsum()"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"

  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_external / zabbix_proto_item_external


resource "zabbix_item_external" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "script[\"argv1\",\"argv2\"]"
  name = "Item Name"
  interfaceid = "5678"
  valuetype = "unsigned"
  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • interfaceid - (Required) Host interface ID
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_internal / zabbix_proto_item_internal


resource "zabbix_item_internal" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "unsigned"

  delay = "1m"
  history = "90d"
  trends = "365d"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • delay - (Optional) Item collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_dependent / zabbix_proto_item_dependent


resource "zabbix_item_dependent" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "custom.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "text"

  master_itemid = "12344"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • master_itemid - (Required) Master Item ID
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_calculated / zabbix_proto_item_calculated


resource "zabbix_item_dependent" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "custom.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "text"

  formula = "1+1"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • formula - (Required) Calculated Item Formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number

zabbix_item_snmptrap / zabbix_proto_item_snmptrap


resource "zabbix_item_snmptrap" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "custom.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"
  valuetype = "text"

  # only for proto_item
  ruleid = "8989"
  applications = [ "4567" ]

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach item to
  • key - (Required) Item Key
  • name - (Required) Item Name
  • valuetype - (Required) Item valuetype, one of: (float, character, log, unsigned, text)
  • history - (Optional) Item retention period
  • trends - (Optional) Item trend period
  • preprocessor - (Optional) Item Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • ruleid - (Required for proto_item) LLD Discovery rule ID to attach prototype item to
  • applications - (Optional) list of application IDs to associate

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_agent" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"

  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

  active = true

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • active - (Optional) zabbix active agent (defaults to false)
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_trapper" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_simple" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_external" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_internal" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_dependent" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  master_itemid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • master_itemid - (Required) ItemID this depends on

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_snmp" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  snmp_version = "3"
  snmp_oid = "
  snmp_community = "public"

  snmp3_authpassphrase = "supersecretpassword"
  snmp3_authprotocol = "md5"
  snmp3_contextname = "context"
  snmp3_privpassphrase = "anotherpassword"
  snmp3_privprotocol = "des"
  snmp3_securitylevel = "noauthnopriv"
  snmp3_securityname = "secname"
  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
  • snmp_version - (Optional) SNMP Version, defaults to 2, one of (1, 2, 3)
  • snmp_oid - (Required) SNMP OID Number
  • snmp_community - (Optional) SNMPv1/v2 community string, defaults to {$SNMP_COMMUNITY}
  • snmp3_authpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_AUTHPASSPHRASE}
  • snmp3_authprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Auth protocol, defaults to sha, one of (md5, sha)
  • snmp3_contextname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Context Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_CONTEXTNAME}
  • snmp3_privpassphrase - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv passphrase, defaults to {$SNMP3_PRIVPASSPHRASE}
  • snmp3_privprotocol - (Optional) SNMPv3 Priv protocol, defaults to aes, one of (des, aes)
  • snmp3_securitylevel - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Level, defaults to authpriv, one of (noauthnopriv, authnopriv, authpriv)
  • snmp3_securityname - (Optional) SNMPv3 Security Name, defaults to {$SNMP3_SECURITYNAME}

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number



resource "zabbix_lld_http" "example" {
  hostid = "1234"
  key = "zabbix.hostname"
  name = "Item Name"

  delay = "1m"
  lifetime = "1d"
  evaltype = "and"
  interfaceid = "5678"

  preprocessor {
    type = "5"
    params = ["param a", "param b"]
    error_handler = "1"
    error_handler_params = ""

  condition {
    macro = "{#name}"
    value = "^blah"
    operator = "match"

  macro {
    macro = "{#name}"
    path = "$.bob"

  url = "http://example.com"
  request_method = "post"
  post_type = "body"
  posts = "{}"
  status_codes = "200"
  timeout = "3s"
  verify_host = true
  verify_peer = true

Argument Reference

  • hostid - (Required) Host/Template ID to attach LLD Rule to
  • key - (Required) LLD Key
  • name - (Required) LLD Name
  • delay - (Optional) LLD collection interval, defaults to 1m
  • lifetime - (Optional) Discovery Item lifetime, defaults to 30d
  • evaltype - (Optional) Discovery Filter Evaluation type, defaults to andor
  • formula - (Optional) Filter formula
  • preprocessor - (Optional) LLD Preprocessors
    • type - (Required) Preprocessor type docs
    • params - (Optional) Preprocessor params
    • error_handler - (Optional) error handler type (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
    • error_handler_params - (Optional) error handler params (see above docs, only relevent in > 4.0)
  • condition - (Optional) LLD Filters
    • macro - (Required) Filter macro name
    • value - (Required) Filter Regex
    • operator - (Optional) Filter operator, defaults to "match"
  • macro - (Optional) LLD Macros
    • macro - (Required) Macro name
    • path - (Required) Macro JSON path
  • interfaceid - (Optional) Host interface ID, defaults to 0 (not required for template attachment)
  • url - (Required) URL to fetch
  • request_method - (Optional) Method to use, defaults to "get", one of (get, post, put, head)
  • post_type - (Optional) Post type to use, defaults to "body", one of (body, headers, both)
  • status_codes - (Optional) Status codes to detect, defaults to 200
  • timeout - (Optional) Request timeout, defaults to 3s
  • verify_host (Optional) TLS host verification, defaults to true
  • verify_peer (Optional) TLS peer verification, defaults to true

Attributes Reference

Same as arguments, plus:

  • preprocessor.#.id - Preprocessor assigned ID number