• Student can use the head tag to put meta information about the page
  • Student can use the body tag to specify what will be displayed
  • Student can use div, p, h1-h6, and span tags to layout a flow of information
  • Student can use ol, ul, and li tags
  • Student can use nav, footer, and header tags
  • Student can use img tags to bring in pictures
  • Student can use a tags to route to another webpage
  • Student can use link tag to bring in css filesCSS


  • Student can apply properties to an element, class, and id
  • Student can use the font and color to change font properties
  • Student can use text-align property
  • Student can use background property to give colors or images for backgrounds
  • Student can use height, width, margin, padding, and box-sizing properties
  • Student can use the float property
  • Student can use a reset file
  • Student can bring in a new font into a project