Installs and configures WAL-E using envdir to store configuration. Sets up a crontab entry to perform base backups. You still need to configure Postgres manually/separately to archive WAL files.
(Tested on Debian/Ubuntu only - will probably break on other distributions.)
Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 extensively.
[:wal_e][:base_backup][:disabled] - Install wal-e but don't modify the postgres configuration or install the crontab - useful for restore-only environments.
[:wal_e][:packages] - The packages needed by wal-e. Override if these are installed in your environment elsewhere.
[:wal_e][:pips] - Python dependencies needed by wal-e. Override if these are installed in your environment elsewhere
[:wal_e][:install_method] - valid are 'source' and 'pip'
[:wal_e][:version] - Specify the version you want to install
[:wal_e][:base_backup] - Specifies the time period to issue cron backups
[:wal_e][:pgdata_dir] - Postgres data directory, override for your postgres version
- default.rb - Installs wal-e
- Russ Garrett (
- Issa Ashwash (