
Import the COVID-19 data into elasticsearch for research and understanding

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a script to parse the COVID-19 data from Johns Hopkins CSSE then put the data into Elasticsearch. A local copy of the data is in the data directory. The README.md in that directory has a link to their github repo

How to use

  • Spin up Elasticsearch and Kibana. You can also run it in the cloud, visit elastic.co for more info and how to run.
  • Run 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install the depdendencies
  • If you're not running Elasticsearch as http://localhost:9200 you will need to set the ESURL environment variable. If you need a username and password make sure it's part of the URL.
  • Run './parser.py', it shouldn't take long.

I recently added a script called 'ts-parser.py' This will create a new index called cov-tx, it uses a different data file from CSSE that contains more normalized province names and proper long and lat fields