
My dotfiles for configurations and setups

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of my personal dotfiles.


Your first step is to clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/joshbrgs/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Manual Installation

Create symbolic links for the configurations you want to use, e.g.:

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Using GNU Stow (recommended)

Install GNU Stow (if not already installed)

Mac:      brew install stow
Ubuntu:   apt-get install stow
Fedora:   yum install stow
Arch:     pacman -S stow

Then simply use stow to install the dotfiles you want to use:

cd ~/.dotfiles
stow vim
stow tmux

Additional configuration

Some of the configurations need additional setup or configuration. If that's the case you can find a README.md file in the application's directory.