
Schema development for the International Aid Transparency Initiative.

Primary LanguageXSLTOtherNOASSERTION

International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) XML Schemas

IATI Support <support@iatistandard.org>
Release 2.03, Unreleased

This directory contains version 2.03 of the IATI XML schemas, due to be released in early 2018. More information about these schemas is available at http://iatistandard.org

This directory contains the following files:

File Description
README.rst This file.
CHANGES.txt Change log.
iati-activities-schema.xsd XML Schema for describing aid activities (e.g. projects).
iati-organisations-schema.xsd XML schema for describing aid organisations and their budgets.
iati-common.xsd A supplementary schema with common IATI markup. Must be in the same directory as the above.
xml.xsd A supplementary schema that must be in the same directory as the above.
iati-registry-record-schema.xsd An application-specific extension schema for importing documents into the IATI registry.
tests/ Unit tests for the schemas.

Dev Installation

# Create and start a virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv pyenv
$ source pyenv/bin/activate

# Install Python package dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


There are two types of tests:

Legacy tests

A series of short XML documents are included in the tests/**/should-pass and tests/**/should-fail directories (and sub-directories). These files test elements and attributes added pre-version 2.03 and offer a simple pass/fail check when parsed against the schemas in this distribution.

These tests can be run using:

$ xmllint --schema http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd --noout *.xsd
$ ./tests/run-tests.sh

Tests for elements/attributes added in v2.03

A new test structure was added at version 2.03, with additional test cases added to tests/should-pass and tests/should-fail directories (and sub-directories). Directory structure is based upon the schema. Each element has a folder based on its name and is nested accordingly. Attributes also have folders but their folder names are prepended by an underscore.

All XML test cases in the should-fail directory are tested to be valid XML but invalid against the distributed IATI schemas. The expected reason for failure (for example, a missing required attribute) in each test case is asserted.

We use pytest as a test runner to check the validity of these files against the defined schema.

$ pytest


David Megginson <david.megginson@megginson.com> for his original work on the IATI Schemas and continued support and involvement.