{% if False %}
Catalpa International's template for Django projects
We create django projects by running django-admin startproject project_name
This creates an empty django project, with a settings module, urls module and uwsgi module
We can also create django projects using a template django-admin startproject project_name --template={this_repository}
How to start a new project
While we don't start new projects that frequently. It does happen from time to time, even just to play with some new libraries or test out some ideas.
It is important that we all can start from the same stack and it is nice not to have to do the drudgery of setting up boilerplate code every time.
So we can use Django's project templates to help us out.
Why use this project template?
Because you don't want to waste time and setup the following things yourself:
- Internationalization
- Login and Logout
override- App with functioning Model, view, and REST API
- ... and much much more!
Getting it done
So let us get started. Here we are going to assume python 3.x, npm, and bower are installed. If not, please get those up and running.
First we need to make a working directory. For our examples we'll use coffee_break
mkdir coffee_break
cd coffee_break
From there, we make our virtual environment env
and activate it.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Now let us install Django for our JavaScript
pip install Django
... and now for the good stuff. We create a new project using our project template, saving us an hour of setup.
django-admin startproject coffee_break --template=https://github.com/catalpainternational/DjangoTemplate/zipball/master -n=README.md
We're almost done, we just need to install our requirements and setup our database
cd coffee_break
bower install
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python createsuperuser
Finally, lets run our server!
python manage.py runserver
{% endif %}
The {{ project_name|title }} Project
About {{ project_name|title }}
Describe {{ project_name|title }} here.
Python 3.5 recommended
virtualenv (virtualenvwrapper is recommended for use during development)
bower install
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python createsuperuser