
Using a Raspberry Pi to study the fermentation of wort into beer. Intended for use for homebrewers and microbreweries.

Primary LanguagePython

piBrew - developed by Morgan Stimpson (morgan.stimpson@hotmail.com)

Using a Raspberry Pi to study the fermentation rate of wort or other fermentable liquids.

How To Run It:

  1.  Start up your Raspberry Pi
  2.  Have Tmux/SQLite3/Python3/matplotlib/? installed on your Raspberry Pi
  3.  From a either the Pi or another computer start an ssh TMUX client
  4.  CD to where the program sits
  5.  Start the program
  6.  Deattach from the TMUX session with ctrl-b d
  7.  Answer the initial start up state with "<your answer in qoutes>"
  8.  Reattach the tmux session w/ "tmux a"
  9. Ctrl-c the program data should be stored

Data Processing

  1. Line Graph -- to show data over time
  2. // Starting to think about other methods to develop

Goal: // - indicates it has been completed

  1. -Produce 1 model-
  2. -Equip a fermentation tank with sensors-
  3. -Let wort ferment into beer.-
  4. -Constantly pull data and store in a SQLite3 database-
  5. -Train on the model to create a generic model.-
  6. -Use the data to predict for the next batch or future batches-
  7. Adjust bounds of lighting alg.
  8. Figure out how to not need to make a new db but only a table
  9. Figure out how to get the last rowID if the pi crashes and needs to restart
  10. Use the last rowId to continue the fermentation db
  11. Create a server to host data
  12. Graph data on the server

Technologies Used:

Python - Programming Language to conduct everything within SQLite3 - Database MathPlotLib - Data viewing Rasbian - OS of the Raspbery Pi TMUX - Run a terminal, start the program, allow for the client to leave the pi and let it run.

Equipment List:

  1. Raspberry Pi 4B: 1a. CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kit 32 GB EVO+ Case w/ fan 8gb Ram Link;
  2. Breadboard: Full size recommended Link;
  3. Wiring: Male to male wriring Female to Female wiring Male to Female wiring Resistors
  4. Lights: 1 Red Light; Hot Indicator 1 Green Light; Ideal indicator 1 Blue Light; Cold indicator
  5. Sensors:
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Model: DS188B20 Temperature Sensor
  • Purpose: To follow the the temperature change of the fermenting wort. The temperatur change affects all following sensors and the data that they will pull from their readings.
  • O2 Sensor
  • Model:
  • Purpose:
  • Once most of the O2 is gone the yeast stops reproducing and begins the bulk of the fermentation
  • PH Sensor
  • Model:
  • Purpose:
  • The acidity of the liquid will kill of the yeast and prevent further fermentation
  • Others // I can not remember at the moment


  1. Raspberry Pi Headless set up; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhY8m_Eg5iU&t=107s
  2. Temperature Reading; https://medium.com/initial-state/how-to-build-a-raspberry-pi-temperature-monitor-8c2f70acaea9
  3. PH Reading; https://myhydropi.com/connecting-a-ph-sensor-to-a-raspberry-pi