
gitignore generator as a git plugin

Primary LanguageGo


git-ignores is a Git plugin designed to streamline the creation of .gitignore files for your projects. It leverages GitHub's extensive collection of .gitignore templates to generate tailored ignore rules based on your project's language or framework.


To use git-ignores, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Plugin: Ensure you have Go 1.22 or later installed, then run:

    $ make
    $ sudo make install
  2. Generate .gitignore: Run the ignores subcommand with the desired options:

    $ git ignores --template [TEMPLATE_NAME] [--force] [--output PATH]
    • --template [TEMPLATE_NAME]: Specifies the name of the gitignore template from the GitHub repository. For example, Python or Javascript.
    • --force: (Optional) Forces the replacement of the existing .gitignore file with the new template.
    • --output [PATH]: (Optional) Specifies a custom path to write the .gitignore file.
  3. Example:

    $ git ignores --template Python --force
  4. View Help: To view the help message, run:

    $ git-ignores --help


Contributions to git-ignores are welcome! Whether it's bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation improvements, feel free to submit pull requests.