
Key/Value store over HTTP, built in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

MiniKV: Miniature Key-Value Store over HTTP

MiniKV is a lightweight Key-Value Store designed to be accessed over HTTP. It offers simple yet efficient storage and retrieval of data through HTTP requests.


Basic Setup

To get started with MiniKV, follow these steps:

  1. Set up environment variables for authentication and logging:

    $ export MINIKV_USERNAME=admin
    $ export MINIKV_PASSWORD=amoresecurepasswordthandefault
    $ export MINIKV_LOG_LEVEL=info
  2. Launch MiniKV specifying the port (default port is 8899):

    $ minikv -p 8899


MiniKV can be configured using CLI flags and environment variables.

CLI Flags

  • -p or --port: Specify the TCP/IP port to bind to.
  • --host: Define the interface IP address to bind to.

Environment Variables

  • MINIKV_USERNAME: Set the username for HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • MINIKV_PASSWORD: Set the password for HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • MINIKV_LOG_LEVEL: Define the logging level (error, warn, info, debug, trace).



  • Rust toolchain
  • Make

Follow these steps to install MiniKV:

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/joshburnsxyz/minikv
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    $ cd minikv
  3. Build the project using Make:

    $ make
  4. Install MiniKV:

    $ sudo make install