- 3
Workflow fails to run
#66 opened by harshvs4 - 1
wrong problem number
#65 opened by xxiamdsk - 5
- 9
- 2
- 3
Error getting info for submission
#58 opened by phillip055 - 16
Leetcode now has challenge page
#56 opened by kbiits - 1
- 3
- 2
Error: Request failed with status code 403
#57 opened by aravindsomaraj - 1
Duplicate commits
#52 opened by siriscmv - 3
The script only sync latest session
#48 opened by hucancode - 4
Problem with running workflow file
#21 opened by somixyz - 1
LeetCode Session Expiry
#39 opened by jaspinderkohli - 0
- 0
- 2
- 8
HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
#30 opened by ZyLyao - 1
- 0
Feedback to GitHub Action
#34 opened by himanshusuryawanshi - 0
Feature request: Improve the git commit
#33 opened by vishrantgupta - 5
Error: Request failed with status code 500
#29 opened by yyang2018mel - 2
HttpError: At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access.
#19 opened by Ahmad-Abdalmageed - 1
clarification on running manual workflow
#25 opened by shan1y - 1
Node12 deprecated
#27 opened by yogeshvar - 4
Request failed with Status code 401
#16 opened by aviraltandon21 - 0
Can extract only the lastest Leetcode session submissions, not previous sessions
#17 opened by zjx722 - 0
#13 opened by rockharshitmaurya - 2
#12 opened by rockharshitmaurya - 0
Post submissions to Discuss
#9 opened by Correia-jpv - 5
- 2
- 3
Issue with Github token
#5 opened by mohitathwani - 8