
Or is it cloudlog? CLOG!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cloud Log Router

This little guy accepts incoming log events and sends them to another service.


Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Create an env file:

$ cp example.env .env

Generate an API key:

$ openssl rand -hex 16

Add that to the API_KEY in the env file.

Start the service:

$ npm start

Post a log event:

$ curl -i \
-d '{"actor":"Auth0 Tenant","component":"Actions","text":"This is an event that happened","transaction":"12313234534","level":"fatal"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer f588536b232da287969b25e0fa5595b8" \

You should see output in the application log:

  actor: 'Auth0 Tenant',
  component: 'Actions',
  text: 'This is an event that happened',
  transaction: '12313234534',
  level: 'fatal'

To send logs to memory:

  1. Uncomment the memory OUTBOUND var in the env file and adjust MAX_LOGS_IN_MEMORY as needed
  2. Run processes that generate logs as usual
  3. Make a GET call to the /log endpoint with an API key to see all the logs in memory.
  4. Make a GET call to the /log/{$transaction} endpoint with an API key to see logs for a specific transaction.
  5. Make a DELETE call to the /log endpoint with an API key to flush all saved logs.

To send logs to Slack:

  1. Create a Slack app with a WebHook URL.
  2. Uncomment the Slack lines in the env file and add your URL.
  3. Restart the application and post a log event like the example above.

To send logs to a Google Sheet:

  1. Create a Google Service account.
  2. Generate and download credentials for the service account.
  3. Copy or move the credentials to a .google.json file in the root of the application.
  4. Enable the Sheets API.
  5. Create a new Google Sheet and share it with the client_email address in the credentials.
  6. Uncomment the Google lines in the env file and add your Sheet ID; comment out any other OUTBOUND lines.
  7. Restart the application and post a log event like the example above.
  8. The Google Sheet should be appended with a new row with:
    • Date and time (UTC)
    • Event type
    • Actor + component
    • Event message
    • Transaction