
A web-controllable searching and queueing system for Spotify

Primary LanguageRuby

On the Spot

A Spotify searching and queueing system

Control Spotify from a web interface!


This application is used at 3months, to queue and play music in our office. It runs on an iMac here, and works great (so far)


  1. Clone the application: git clone git://github.com:joshmcarthur/on-the-spot.git

  2. Install Redis: OS X: brew install redis, Debian/Ubunutu: sudo apt-get install redis-server

  3. Pull in dependencies: bundle install

  4. Add configuration variables to a file named .env:

    SPOTIFY_USERNAME="(The Facebook email you want to log in as)"
    SPOTIFY_PASSWORD="(The Facebook password for the account)"
  5. Generate an application key at https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/libspotify/ (Requires Spotify Premium account), and save the key in config/keys/spotify_appkey.key

  6. Start the application by executing: bundle exec foreman start. This will run the following processes:

    1. rails server (with Thin, runs application)
    2. spotify_controller daemon (Plays tracks)
    3. private_pub (handles messaging with Faye)


GPL v3