
A Ruby interface to Event objects on MS Windows

Primary LanguageRuby

== Description
  Interface to MS Windows Event objects.

== Prerequsites
  Requires the win32-ipc library.
== Installation
  gem install win32-event

== Synopsis
  Win32::Event.new("Foo") do |event|
    # Do stuff

  e2 = Win32::Event.open("Bar")
  # Do stuff

== Documentation
  The event.rb file contains inline RDoc documentation. If you installed
  this file as a gem, then you have the docs.

== Notes
  The Event class is a subclass of Win32::Ipc (win32-ipc). This library
  require's the win32-ipc library internally (you don't need to explicitly
  call it).

  A PulseEvent() wrapper is intentionally omitted. From the MSDN web site:
  "This function is unreliable and should not be used. It exists mainly for
  backward compatibility."

== Acknowledgements
  The Win32::Event Perl module by Chris Madsen was used as a general
  guideline for developing the API.
== Known Bugs
  None that I'm aware of. Please submit any bug reports to the project page
  at https://github.com/djberg96/win32-event.

== Copyright
  (C) 2003-2012 Daniel J. Berger
  All Rights Reserved

== License
  Artistic 2.0

== Author
  Park Heesob
  Daniel J. Berger