
my Project Euler solutions. many in Scala, a few in Haskell, NetLogo, et al. looking's cheating unless you solve it yourself first!

Primary LanguageScala

Solve it yourself first!


This is the language I've done my serious solving in.

Build and run using xsbt (experimental sbt) 0.10. Type bin/xsbt to start sbt, then enter test at the sbt prompt.


Some solutions ported from Scala.

Build and run using make.


These solutions were originally written for NetLogo 4.1 and have been only lightly updated for 5.0. NetLogo 5.0 has tasks (aka lambda, closures, first-class functions) now, so probably some of these solutions could be redone to use that, and tackling the more advanced problems would be more feasible.


I hardly know any Clojure yet.


public domain

To the extent possible under law, Seth Tisue has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the contents of https://github.com/SethTisue/Project-Euler/. This work is published from the United States of America.