Transcript To Images

I made this as a proof-of-concept when interning at a startup during high school. I'm unsure if it still works.

This program takes a AWS Transcribe JSON file as input, splits it into chunks, and generates images using Craiyon.

To try it out:

  • Add your transcription to the /transcriptions directory or use the demo one (jfk.json)
  • Open index.js and change the inputPath and outputPath variables to match the transcript you are using or leave as is for the demo
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run start

It should take somewhere around 3-4 minutes to run, so be patient – Craiyon takes a while to respond, but this does not use local resources.

When it's done, the program will output a machine-readable JSON file and open a little web preview that I hacked together.

P.S. Craiyon produces different images every time so if you run the same transcript again you will get different results.