
Example of using FusionAuth with the react SDK.

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Example: Using React and the FusionAuth React SDK

This repository contains example usage of the FusionAuth React SDK. It provides an example React client that uses the SDK, and an example Express server that is used to complete the OAuth token exchange.


This example repo consists of two parts:

  • client contains the React client application code which utilizes the FusionAuth React SDK
  • server contains an Express server app which is used to securely perform the token exchange

The React client shows example usage of the SDK and integrates with React Router v6.

Screenshot of the example application login screen



  • Yarn: This will be needed for pulling down the various dependencies.
  • NodeJS: This will be used in order to run the node server.
  • FusionAuth: This is the auth server. Install in one of two ways:

FusionAuth Setup

You can do this one of two ways, using Docker and Kickstart or manually by logging into the FusionAuth administrative user interface.


If you run FusionAuth from a Docker container, in the root of this project directory (next to this README) are two files a Docker compose file and an environment variables configuration file. Assuming you have Docker installed on your machine, a docker-compose up will bring FusionAuth up on your machine.

The FusionAuth configuration files also make use of a unique feature of FusionAuth, called Kickstart: when FusionAuth comes up for the first time, it will look at the Kickstart file and mimic API calls to configure FusionAuth for use. It will perform all the necessary setup to make this demo work correctly, but if you are curious as to what the setup would look like by hand, the "FusionAuth configuration (by hand)" section of this README describes it in detail.

For now, get FusionAuth in Docker up and running (via docker-compose up) if it is not already running; to see, click here to verify it is up and running.

NOTE: If you ever want to reset the FusionAuth system, delete the volumes created by docker-compose by executing docker-compose down -v. FusionAuth will only apply the Kickstart settings when it is first run (e.g., it has no data configured for it yet).

If you are using Docker:

  • Your client Id is: e9fdb985-9173-4e01-9d73-ac2d60d1dc8e
  • Your client secret is: super-secret-secret-that-should-be-regenerated-for-production
  • Your example username is richard@example.com and your password is password.
  • Your admin username is admin@example.com and your password is password.
  • Your fusionAuthBaseUrl is 'http://localhost:9011/'

You can log into the FusionAuth admin UI and look around if you want, but with Docker/Kickstart you don't need to.

You're all done with FusionAuth setup. Skip ahead to the Express Server Setup section.

Manual Configuration

Log into the FusionAuth admin UI.

Go to the Applications section.

  • Create an Application using the green button.

  • On the OAuth tab:

  1. Give it a name
  2. Make sure the authorization code grant is enabled
  3. Add the following to the authorized redirect URLs for your application: http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost
  4. Add the following to the authorized request origins URLs for your application: http://localhost:9000 and http://localhost
  5. Add the following to the logout URL: http://localhost:3000
  6. Click save.
  7. Edit the application again.
  8. Record the client Id and secret, you'll use that below.
  • On the registration tab, ensure self service registration is enabled.

  • Save the application again.

Go to the Users section.

  • Create a user if needed.

Go to the Themes section, under Customization.

  1. Duplicate the FusionAuth theme.
  2. Provide a name, such as 'React theme'.
  3. Copy the contents of the file at kickstart/css/styles.css into the styles theme field.
  4. Save the theme.

Go to the Tenants section.

  1. Edit the default tenant
  2. On the General tab, update the tenant theme to be your new theme; 'React theme' if you used that name.
  3. Save the tenant.

FusionAuth is all set up. Proceed to the Express Server Setup section.

Express Server Setup

From the server directory:

  1. Make a copy of config.example.js called config.js and fill it out
  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies
  3. Run yarn start to start the server at http://localhost:9000

React Client Setup

From the client directory:

  1. Make a copy of src/config.example.ts at src/config.ts and fill it out
  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies
  3. Run yarn start to start your React app at http://localhost:3000

Test It Out

Visit the React app. You should be able to log in, log out and register a new user.

SDK Examples

Three files in particular demonstrate the usage of the SDK. Check out the following:

  • client/src/FusionAuthProviderWithRedirectHandling.tsx - custom redirect handling to integrate with React Router
  • client/src/pages/LoginPage.tsx - a simple login page that pulls loading/authentication state out of FusionAuth context via useFusionAuth() as well as the out-of-the-box Login and Register buttons
  • client/src/pages/AccountPage.tsx - a simple account page that
    • wraps page in RequireAuth component to protect information from unauthorized users.
    • pulls user state from the FusionAuth context via useFusionAuth() to display information about the authenticated user

Server Endpoint Requirements

The server you configure to use with the React SDK must have a /token-exchange endpoint to perform the exchange, and optionally a /jwt-refresh endpoint if you wish to use refresh tokens.

You can check out server/routes/token-exchange.js and server/routes/jwt-refresh.js to see how these endpoints are implemented.

At a high level:

  • token-exchange.js calls out to the FusionAuth OAuth Token endpoint to get an access token and refresh token, which are both stored in secure cookies
  • jwt-refresh.js calls out to the FusionAuth JWT Refresh endpoint to exchange the refresh token for a new access token

See the SDK Server Code Requirements for more detail.