MySQL Filtered Backups
Take a backup of all the MySQL databases on a server and create a full and filtered backup file and upload them to the relevant S3 buckets within AWS.
Create a folder for the
mkdir /var/lib/mysql-backup/
Place the
and the filtered-tables
folder in the newly created folder.
Edit the filtered-tables
file and add the names of tables that you wish to exclude from the filtered backups.
Place the backup.conf
file in a folder within /etc
. For example mkdir /etc/mysql-backups
Edit the backup.conf
to include the following information.
MUSER="" <-- MySQL Username
MPASS="" <-- MySQL Password
MHOST="" <-- MySQL Host
FULLS3BUCKET="" <-- Full Backup S3 bucket name
FILTEREDS3BUCKET="" <-- Filtered Backup S3 bucket name
Create a cron in the /etc/cron.d/
folder with the following command.
0 23 * * * root /var/lib/mysql-backup/ /etc/mysql-backup/backup.conf >> /var/log/mysql-backup.log 2>&1
This will run the backup script every night at 11PM.
To test the backup script, run the following command.
/var/lib/mysql-backup/ /etc/mysql-backup/backup.conf
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.