
A Visor/TotalTerminal color scheme for iTerm2.





The RGB values for the Visor profile in Visor/TotalTerminal are defined as:

Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White
Normal 78,78,78 255,108,96 168,255,96 255,255,182 150,203,254 255,115,253 156,255,255 238,238,238
Bold 85,85,85 255,0,0 0,255,0 255,255,0 0,0,255 255,0,255 0,255,255 255,255,255
Text Bold Text Selection Cursor
242,242,242 255,255,255 65,65,65 255,249,0


Q: Why do some colors seem brighter/different than in Visor/TotalTerminal?

A: In iTerm2, RGB values are stored internally as floating point numbers. The exact RGB values from Visor/TotalTerminal are used (verifiable with the RGB slider) but unfortunately, due to floating point converstion, the colors are ever so slightly different. As far as I know, this is unavoidable.

Q: How do I most closely mimic the text style in Visor/TotalTerminal?

A: The default 12pt. Monaco typeface gets you most of the way there. Through comparison, I've found the following character spacing values to be a close approximation.

iTerm2 Character Spacing

You may also want enable "Draw bold text in bold font" in the Text Rendering heading under the Text section.

iTerm2 Text Rendering