
Unofficial Pytorch code for "Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Handful of Trials using Probabilistic Dynamics Models"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Transfer learning on Kinova Jaco using PETS, TD3

This repo includes some modifications to do transfer learning on Jaco robotic arms

  1. Mujoco model for

  2. Jaco environment for gym, dm_control

  3. Jaco module for PETS

  4. IK solver

  5. Script for running transfer experiments


python mbexp.py -env jaco

Run and Render

python render.py -env jaco -model-dir path/to/model -logdir path/to/log

Run transfer experiment

python transfer.py -env jaco -model-dir path/to/model -logdir path/to/log

Run IK solver

python mbexp.py -env jaco -physics

This repo contains a pytorch implementation of the wonderful model-based Reinforcement Learning algorithms proposed in Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Handful of Trials using Probabilistic Dynamics Models.

As of now, the repo only supports the most high-performing variant: probabilistic ensemble for the learned dynamics model, TSinf trajectory sampling and Cross Entropy method for action optimization.

The code is structured with the same levels of abstraction as the original TF implementation, with the exception that the TF dynamics model is replaced by a Pytorch dynamics model.

I'm happy to take pull request if you see ways to improve the repo :).


The y-axis indicates the maximum reward seen so far, as is done in the paper.


  1. The requirements in the original TF implementation
  2. Pytorch 1.0.0

For specific requirements, please take a look at the pip dependency file requirements.txt and conda dependency file environments.yml.


  1. install mujoco 2.0
wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mujoco200_linux.zip
unzip mujoco200_linux.zip
mv mujoco200_linux.zip ~/.mujoco
  1. install dm_control
pip install git+git://github.com/deepmind/dm_control.git
  1. install dm_control2gym
git clone https://github.com/martinseilair/dm_control2gym
pip install .
  1. install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Experiments

Experiments for a particular environment can be run using:

python mbexp.py
    -env    ENV       (required) The name of the environment. Select from
                                 [cartpole, reacher, pusher, halfcheetah, jaco, manipulator].

Results will be saved in <logdir>/<date+time of experiment start>/. Trial data will be contained in logs.mat, with the following contents:

    "observations": NumPy array of shape
        [num_train_iters * nrollouts_per_iter + ninit_rollouts, trial_lengths, obs_dim]
    "actions": NumPy array of shape
        [num_train_iters * nrollouts_per_iter + ninit_rollouts, trial_lengths, ac_dim]
    "rewards": NumPy array of shape
        [num_train_iters * nrollouts_per_iter + ninit_rollouts, trial_lengths, 1]
    "returns": Numpy array of shape [1, num_train_iters * neval]

To visualize the result, please take a look at plotter.ipynb

Render Results

python render.py -env ENV -model-dir path/to/model/ -logdir path/to/log


Huge thank to the authors of the paper for open-sourcing their code. Most of this repo is taken from the official TF implementation.