
Wrapper for a PHP MySQL class, which utilizes MySQLi and prepared statements.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

To utilize this class, first import Mysqldbi.php into your project, and require it.


After that, create a new instance of the class.

$db = new Mysqlidb('host', 'username', 'password', 'databaseName');

Next, prepare your data, and call the necessary methods.

Insert Query

$insertData = array(
	'title' => 'Inserted title',
	'body' => 'Inserted body'

if($db->insert('posts', $insertData)) echo 'success!';

Select Query

$results = $db->get('tableName', 'numberOfRows-optional');
print_r($results); // contains array of returned rows

or select with custom columns set

$res = $db->get ("users",null,"sum(id), count(*) as cnt");
print_r ($res);

$cols = Array ("id, name, email");
$res = $db->get ("users",null,$cols);
print_r ($res);

or select just one row

$db->where (id,"10");
$results = $db->getOne ("tableName");

Update Query

$updateData = array(
	'fieldOne' => 'fieldValue',
	'fieldTwo' => 'fieldValue'
$db->where('id', int);
$results = $db->update('tableName', $updateData);

Delete Query

$db->where('id', int);
if($db->delete('posts')) echo 'successfully deleted'; 

Generic Query Method

$results = $db->query('SELECT * from posts');
print_r($results); // contains array of returned rows

Raw Query Method

$params = array(3, 'My Title');
$resutls = $db->rawQuery("SELECT id, title, body FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND tile = ?", $params);
print_r($results); // contains array of returned rows

// will handle any SQL query

$params = array(10, 1, 10, 11, 2, 10);
$resutls = $db->rawQuery("(SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE a = ? AND B = ? ORDER BY a LIMIT ?) UNION(SELECT a FROM t2 WHERE a = ? AND B = ? ORDER BY a LIMIT ?)", $params);
print_r($results); // contains array of returned rows

Where Method

This method allows you to specify the parameters of the query.

Regular == operator:

$db->where('id', int);
$db->where('title', string);
$results = $db->get('tableName');
print_r($results); // contains array of returned rows

Custom Operators:

$db->where('id', array('>=' => 50));
$results = $db->get('tableName');
// Gives: SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE id >= ?


$db->where('id', array('between' => array(4, 20) ) );
$results = $db->get('tableName');
// Gives: SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE id BETWEEN ? AND ?


$db->where('id', array( 'in' => array(1, 5, 27, -1, 'd') ) );
$results = $db->get('tableName');
// Gives: SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE id IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

Optionally you can use method chaining to call where multiple times without referencing your object over an over:

$results = $db
	->where('id', 1)
	->where('title', 'MyTitle')

Ordering method

$results = $db->get('tableName');

Grouping method

$results = $db->get('tableName');

JOIN method

$db->join('table2Name', 'field1 <> field2', 'LEFT')
$results = $db-get('tableName');