Zoid Lesson

This lesson is to help explain and demo zoid (previously know as xcomponent).

What is Zoid?

Zoid allows cross-domain messaging, also know as, post messaging. Zoid is built on a framework called
post-robot, which allows simple post messaging. Zoid attempts to make this more robust.

Below, we will cover how to implement a demo for Zoid and try to ramp things up to more complex examples.


yarn install


npm install

Getting Started

Go into the src folder and go through each folder sequentailly. When in each folder, read the README
for instruction to each tutorial.


Built into this repo is a testing suite that will allow you to go through each tutorial with ease.

coming soon...


GitHub: https://github.com/krakenjs/zoid
npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/zoid