
A MapKit Framework for google

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project:   MapKit -- A SproutCore Framework
Copyright: ©2010 Josh Holt

SproutCore's MapKit Framework

Required to use this framework:
 1.) Create the frameworks directory if it doesn't exit in the root of your SproutCore project.
 2.) Clone this repo into the frameworks directory naming it "map_kit"
 3.) Add this line to your Buildfile
		a.) config :all, :required => [:sproutcore, :map_kit]
What does this framework give you?
		- MapKit.mapView
			-- This is the main point of interaction ( the google map ).
			-- It draws the map.
			-- It draws the markers (pins).
			-- It handles the removal of the markers.
			-- and more...
		- MapKit.Pin
			-- This model represents one pin on the mapView
		- MapKit.pinsController
			-- This is the array controller that will hold the collection of pins on the map
		- MapKit.pinController
		  -- This controller holds the currently selected pin.