
This repository contains the code and data for the AAAI workshop paper titled 'Improving Multi-Hop Reasoning in LLMs by Learning from Rich Human Feedback'


This repository contains the data for the AAAI workshop paper titled Improving Multi-Hop Reasoning in LLMs by Learning from Rich Human Feedback.

We collect rich human feedback for two datasets: strategyQA (located in data/strategyqa) and sports understanding from BigBench (location in data/sports_understanding).

Dataset Details

The train.json file for strategyQA and sports understanding contains 1565 examples and 796 examples respectively which were used for finetuning. Additionally, for strategyQA eval.json contains 173 additional examples which were used to evaluate if models can judge the correctness of their generations.

Dataset Attributes

  1. Original - contains the original datapoint from the respective dataset with all the attributes (e.g. input, ground truth answer etx.)

  2. Generation - model generated answer and chain-of-thought with few shot prompting. The model used was GPT-J for strategyQA and Flan-T5 for sports understanding.

  3. Correction - corrected answer and chain-of-thought collected from annotators.

  4. Subquestions - decomposition of the original question into subquestions which need to be answered to answer the original question.

  5. ErrorType - list of different types of errors present in the model generation (Generation). The types of errors and their shorthands are: FE - factual error, MF - missing fact, IR - irrelevant fact, LI - logical inconsistency, None - no error.

  6. {ErrorType}_reason - where ErrorType is either FE, MF, IR, LI. This contains the reason, in natural language, why that particular error type is present in the model generation.


If you use this dataset, please include the following citation:

    title={Improving Multi-Hop Reasoning in {LLM}s by Learning from Rich Human Feedback},
    author={Nitish Joshi and Koushik Kalyanaraman and Zhiting Hu and Kumar Chellapilla and He He and Li Erran Li},
    booktitle={Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning in the era of Large Language Models},