
The litter-robot component offers integration with the Litter-Robot WiFi enabled devices to Home Assistant.

Primary LanguagePython


The litter-robot component offers integration with the Litter-Robot WiFi enabled devices to Home Assistant.

🍻 I'm not employed by Litter Robot, and provide this plugin purely for our own enjoyment.

Use my referal code and get $25 off your own robot (and it tips me too!)



Load this component by copying the custom_components/litter_robot directory and its contents to the custom_components directory in your Home Assistant's configuration directory, typically /config/custom_components, but may be elsewhere depending on your installation. This is easiest with the Samba share add-on. Alternatively, from a terminal run the following:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/joshjcarrier/homeassistant-litter-robot.git
cp -r homeassistant-litter-robot/custom_components/litter_robot /config/custom_components/
rm -r homeassistant-litter-robot


You'll need to have connected to your robot at least once before with the mobile app.


Edit /config/configuration.yaml. For a robot nicknamed "Tesla Meowdel S":

  username: !secret litter_robot_email
  password: !secret litter_robot_password
  scan_interval: 120

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Tesla Meowdel S Night Light"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_nightlight', 'On') }}"
        icon_template: "mdi:lightbulb"
          service: litter_robot.nightlight_turn_on
          service: litter_robot.nightlight_turn_off
        friendly_name: "Tesla Meowdel S Cycle"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_status', 'Clean Cycling') }}"
        icon_template: "mdi:refresh"
          service: litter_robot.cycle
        friendly_name: "Tesla Meowdel S Reset Drawer"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_status', 'Clean Cycling') }}"
        icon_template: "mdi:repeat"
          service: litter_robot.reset_drawer

Then add the following to your /config/secrets.yaml:

litter_robot_email: <your_email@address>
litter_robot_password: <your password>

Finishing setup

Restart HASS to activate the component and to reapply config changes. This can be done from the frontend via Configuration -> General -> Server management -> Restart.


If there's a problem, the new sensor.litter_robot_* won't appear. This is most likely invalid configuration (see above) or a Litter Robot username/password problem. Details will be logged in the Developer Tools -> Logs section.

Password issues: It's been reported that resetting your Litter Robot account password might help if your password isn't being accepted, so make sure you try updating your mobile app to the latest version and resetting the password!

Grouping Sensors

Discover the list by searching "litter_robot" in the frontend: Developer tools -> <> (States).

Edit /config/groups.yaml. For a robot nicknamed "Tesla Meowdel S":

Tesla Meowdel S:
    - sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_status
    - sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_waste
    - switch.litter_robot_cycle
    - switch.litter_robot_nightlight
    - switch.litter_robot_reset_drawer

Then reload Groups config. This is easiest done with the frontend Configuration -> General -> Configuration reloading -> Reload groups.

Multiple robots

The sensors will automatically provision themselves, but to control individual robots you'll need to specify a data section in the service call. The litter_robot_id should match the Litter Robot API ID and can be found in the Developer Tools -> States tab for the litter_robot_..._status sensor.

  service: litter_robot.nightlight_turn_on
    litter_robot_id: a00bb111cccca


Watch /config/home-assistant.log, which is accessible from the frontend via Developer tools -> (i) (/developer-tools/logs).


POST https://autopets.sso.iothings.site/oauth/token

Security: none

Example request body (application/x-www-form-encoded):

Key Value
client_id <extracted from iOS app>
client_secret <extracted from iOS app>
grant_type password
username <username, form encoded>
password <password, form encoded>

Example response body (application/json):

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "<jwt>",
  "refresh_token": "<refresh token>",
  "expires_in": 3600

Decoded JWT:

  "userId": "<user id>",
  • <jwt> is used as Authorization header value
  • x-api-key is extracted from iOS app


GET https://v2.api.whisker.iothings.site/users/:user_id/robots

Security: Authorization, x-api-key

Example response body:

    "powerStatus": "AC",
    "sleepModeStartTime": "0",
    "lastSeen": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "sleepModeEndTime": "0",
    "autoOfflineDisabled": true,
    "setupDate": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
    "DFICycleCount": "0",
    "cleanCycleWaitTimeMinutes": "3",
    "unitStatus": "RDY",
    "isOnboarded": true,
    "deviceType": "udp",
    "litterRobotNickname": "Tesla Meowdel S",
    "cycleCount": "67",
    "panelLockActive": "0",
    "cyclesAfterDrawerFull": "0",
    "litterRobotSerial": "LR3C000000",
    "cycleCapacity": "46",
    "litterRobotId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "nightLightActive": "0",
    "didNotifyOffline": false,
    "isDFITriggered": "0",
    "sleepModeActive": "110:33:14"
  • sleepModeActive: either "0" or "1HH:mm:ss" where HH:mm:ss is number of hours, minutes and seconds since last sleep started. Sleep mode is between "100:00:00" and "108:00:00" (8 hours).

  • unitStatus: is one of:

Unit Status Definition
RDY Unit ready to be used.
CCP Cleaning Cycle in Progress
CCC Cleaning Cycle Completed
CSF Cat Sensor Interrupted
DF1 Drawer is Full -- But it is able to cycle a few more times.
DF2 Drawer is Full -- But it is still able to cycle a few more times.
CST Cat sensor timing
CSI Cat sensor interrupt
BR Bonnet removed
P Unit is Paused
OFF Unit is turned off
SDF Drawer is completely full and will not cycle.
DFS Drawer is completely full and will not cycle.


POST https://v2.api.whisker.iothings.site/users/:user_id/robots/:robot_id/dispatch-commands

Security: Authorization, x-api-key

Request body (application/json):

  "litterRobotId": "<litter robot id>",
  "command": "<command>"
Command Action
<C Start cleaning cycle
<W7 Set wait time to 7 minutes
<W3 Set wait time to 3 minutes
<WF Set wait time to 15 minutes
<P0 Turn off
<P1 Turn on
<N1 Turn on night light
<N0 Turn off night light
<S0 Turn off sleep mode
<S119:45:02 Turn on 8 hour sleep mode, offset by number of hours, minutes, and seconds since last sleep should start. E.g. 19 hours, 45 min, 2 sec.
<L1 Turn on panel lock
<L0 Turn off panel lock

Response is one full robot entity.

Settings & Resetting Tray

PATCH https://v2.api.whisker.iothings.site/users/:user_id/robots/:robot_id


  "litterRobotSerial": "LR3C000000",
  "cyclesAfterDrawerFull": "0",
  "litterRobotNickname": "Tesla Meowdel S",
  "cycleCount": "0",
  "cycleCapacity": "46"

Response is one full robot entity.