This reporitory is a clone of tjone270's.
The scripts/mappools/factories/configs from here are currently live on let's start cooking servers.
To install Quake Live Dedicated Server using these scripts, you'll need a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 (it works fine on virtual machine, you can use something like Virtualbox).
- Fork this repository
- Change dark-saber to your GitHub username in and; change the steamid to yours in config-files/server.txt and accesses/access_purgery.txt (you will need to update too).
- Clone your fork (git clone
- Execute sudo sh QuakeLiveDS_Scripts/autoconfig-server/
- Switch to qlserver user (su - qlserver), clone this repo again to qlserver's home directory (git clone
- Execute sh ~/QuakeLiveDS_Scripts/autoconfig-server/ as qlserver
- sh QuakeLiveDS_Scripts/autoconfig-server/ for minqlx
- sh QuakeLiveDS_Scripts/autoconfig-server/ for extra minqlx plugins
- _cd ~_
- ./
- ./
- Enable and start supervisor: sudo systemctl enable supervisor; sudo systemctl start supervisor
Also, you'll need to enter your qlstats server password to ~/localConfig-rconPassword-purgery.txt. Global server settings are in QuakeLiveDS_Scripts/config/server.cfg, settings of specific servers are in ~/ Enjoy!