Developer Notes

Environment variables

.env files must be suffixed with either .development or .production in order for Sanity to use them. The environment suffix is determined by the following:

  • process.env.SANITY_ACTIVE_ENV takes precedence
  • process.env.NODE_ENV is fallback
  • if neither of the above are defined, then development is using for sanity start and production is used for sanity build and sanity deploy.

Also, in sanity.json, the following properties must be defined, even when using env vars:

"api": {
  "projectId": "thiscannotbeemptyevenwhenusingenvvarsotherwisesanityisnothappy",
  "dataset": "mustbe20charsorless"

When using env vars, the projectId and dataset id values can be any arbitrary value as they are overridden by env vars. However, the dataset value must be 20 characters or less to pass Sanity validation.