This is a fast playbook to demonstrate the idea of editting Gnome Startup (desktop) files, create cgroups on Fedora 30 systems, and keep bumpers on tools like Slack and Chrome.
- Ansible 2.8
- Fedora 30
git clone
cd ansible-playbook-slices
sudo ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts.ini
Make your adjustments here:
# Override or python3
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
# Variables for this exercise
browsermem: 30%
#browsercpu: 30%
electronmem: 768M
#electroncpu: 15%
show cgroups
examine usage
general analysis
systemd-analyze critical-chain user-browsers.slice
Ansible-Playbook-Slice by joshland is licensed under CC BY 2.0