
raspberry pi python service to change the receiver volume on keyboard input from USB volume knob

Primary LanguagePython


python service to send IR commands to AV receiver and other IR devices based on keyboard input

keyboard media controller script


OG 6 button wired macropad

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6

1 - vol up
2 - toggle sound mode: all channel stereo vs direct
3 - toggle input: dj mode vs tv mode
4 - vol down
5 - yellow disco light
6 - toggle kitchen speakers: on vs off

wireless numpad

ESC| X |TAB| =     ESC| X |TAB| =
---┼---┼---┼---    ---┼---┼---┼---
NUM| / | * |<-     NUM| / | * |<-
---┼---┼---┼---    ---┼---┼---┼---
 7 | 8 | 9 | -      7 | 8 | 9 | -
---┼---┼---┼---    ---┼---┼---┼---
 4 | 5 | 6 | +      4 | 5 | 6 | +
---┼---┼---┼---    ---┼---┼---┼---
 1 | 2 | 3 |        1 | 2 | 3 |
---┴---┼---┤RET    ---┴---┼---┤RET
   0   | . |          0   | . |

[not implemented yet]

ESC - cancel current command (TODO)
X - can't remap this button
TAB - spotify dark mode
= - turn TV off
/ -
* -
<- - disco light white
7 - kitchen speakers on
8 - kitchen speakers off
9 -
- - disco light yellow
4 - TV mode
5 - DJ mode
6 -
+ - disco light red
1 - volume down
2 - volume up
3 -
0 - toggle stereo/direct
. -
RET - disco light on/off

### quickstart

start in background

nohup python3.11 ~/code/volume-control/scripts/volume_control.py &> /tmp/nohup.out & disown

watch the logs

tail -f /tmp/volume_controller.log

### terminal aliases

add this line to your `.zshrc` or `.bashrc` to get some useful aliases:

source [PATH_TO_THIS_REPO]/scripts/shell-aliases.sh
source /home/pi/code/volume-control/scripts/shell-aliases.sh

### run in foreground for debugging

python3 ~/code/volume-control/scripts/volume_control.py

### debugging input devices

look in `/dev/input/by-id`
get inputs with:

sudo cat /dev/input/*

### old version

sudo python3 volume_controller_lirc.py

## keylogger info

`sudo logkeys --start --output test.log --device event4`
`sudo logkeys --start --device event4`
`python3 ~/code/volume-control/volume_control.py`

IR emitter module pinout:
VCC goes to 5v power - green -> brown
DAT goes to GPIO 18 (data) - orange -> grey
GND goes to ground - yellow -> white


- better docs on how LIRC is used and configured here
- how do I get new codes from a remote?

## LIRC notes

### general notes

this looks like a good guide:

this is also a pretty good guide:

## terminal volume commands


## debugging ir emitter

- check this: `sudo vi /boot/config.txt` - it should be

### adding new IR codes workflow:

- https://www.lirc.org/html/configuration-guide.html#appendix-10
- https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/104008/lirc-irrecord-wont-record-buster-mode2-works

for a new device, you'll need to follow this guide to tweak some config settings and get LIRC working

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57437261/setup-ir-remote-control-using-lirc-for-the-raspberry-pi-rpi

#### edit the boot config to switch from transmit to receive

sudo vim /boot/config.txt

near the end, find this (or add it if it's not there):

# this line should be uncommented for receiver to work
# this line should be uncommented for transmitter to work

then check the config:

sudo systemctl stop lircd.service
sudo systemctl start lircd.service
sudo systemctl status lircd.service

and reboot

sudo reboot

#### record codes

stop LIRCD if it's running:

sudo systemctl stop lircd.service

then use irrecord to create a remote config:

sudo irrecord -u -n -d /dev/lirc[probably 0 or 1] ~/code/[remote_name].lircd.conf

add those remote codes to this repo in `remotes/*.lird.conf`, then copy to the
`/etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/` dir so they get picked up by LIRCD. then restart LIRCD:

systemctl restart lircd.service

## notes

<!-- TODO: -->

- FOR NETWORKING: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/remote-access-with-docker/314345

try this:

other option: ssh in from HASSIO and execute python script

- https://community.home-assistant.io/t/run-command-on-docker-container-from-supervised-hassio/235083/3
- pros and cons?

figure out how to apply `automated-commands.cron`, and add instructions to README

use this: https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya to control disco ball (and other local tuya devices) from keypad

set this up: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/remote-access-with-docker/314345?page=2 to control home assistant from keypad