
Centralized portal for software engineering apprenticeships. Provides data and resources to companies trying to start apprenticeships, allows current and former apprentices to share their experiences, and direct junior developers to upcoming apprenticeship programs.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

apprenticeship.io Build Status

Development Setup


  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails db:setup
  • Run gem install foreman (required to run the webpack-dev-server and rails server simultaneously)

React/webpacker (Yarn and Node version 6 or greater are requried)

Running the development server

  • Run bin/server, which will launch a rails server at http://localhost:5000 and will launch webpack-dev-server, which will automatically pakcage and hot reload js resources. Make sure you have foreman installed - gem install foreman

Development Notes

  • React/Javascript files live in /app/javascript/packs.
  • Components live in /app/javascript/packs/components.
  • For the sake of consistency, react files that use jsx should have a file extension of .jsx
  • All json requests from the front end should be routed through the /api namespace on the rails backend.
  • There is a PagesController already setup to route non-RESTful static pages, which will probably be the base of the app. I think we will only need one route in Rails since React Router is set up.

React Router

The config/routes in Rails is set up to catch all non specified routes (eg the /api) to get routed to React Router. TODO - write a not found page to catch bad routes.

How to use React Router

  • To link to a route inside a page, make sure to import { Link } from 'react'. To create a link, use <Link to={resource/${resource_id}}>Link Text</Link>
  • To add a route, go to the app/javascript/packs/components/Main.jsx and add the route to the <Switch> component by adding a child <Route path='/resource/:id' component={ComponentName} />

Continuous Integration

  • Travis CI is setup, and all pull requests must have a passing build to be merged.


  • The app is set up for deployment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk backed by a PostgreSQL RDS instance @joshleichtung has a staging server set up to make sure the app deploys successfully as we go, but the app has been configured so that a new instance can be set up and served easily once we are ready to go to production.