
Dead easy interface for executing many HTTP requests asynchronously. Also provides helper functions for executing embarrassingly parallel async coroutines.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PyPI Python Build Status Documentation


Dead easy interface for executing many HTTP requests asynchronously. It has been tested in the wild with over 10 million requests. Automatically handles errors and executes retries.

Built on-top of Trio and asks. Interface heavily inspired by Requests and joblib.

Also provides helper functions for executing embarrassingly parallel async coroutines.

To install:

pip install many-requests

Example Usage

Execute 10 GET requests for example.org:

from many_requests import ManyRequests
responses = ManyRequests(n_workers=5, n_connections=5)(
                url=['https://example.org' for i in range(10)])

Query HackNews API for 10 items and parse JSON output:

responses = ManyRequests(n_workers=5, n_connections=5, json=True)(
                url=[f'https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/{i}.json?print=pretty' for i in range(10)])

To use basic authentication with all requests:

from asks import BasicAuth
username = 'user'
password = 'pw'
responses = ManyRequests(n_workers=5, n_connections=5)(
                url=['https://example.org' for i in range(10)],
                auth=BasicAuth((username, password)))

To execute embarrassingly parallel async coroutines, for example 10 trio.sleep calls:

from many_requests import EasyAsync, delayed
import trio
outputs = EasyAsync(n_workers = 4)(delayed(trio.sleep)(i) for i in range(10))