Cloud Bowl
A game where microservices battle each other in a giant real-time bowl.
Run Locally:
Make sure you have docker installed and running
Start Kafka
./sbt "runMain"
Start the Battle
TODO: player backends
./sbt "runMain apps.Battle"
Start the Kafka event viewer
./sbt "runMain"
Start the sample service
cd samples/scala-play ./sbt run
Start the Kafka event producer
./sbt "runMain"
You can send commands like
ARENA/viewerjoin ARENA/playersrefresh
Start the Viewer web app
./sbt run
Check out the foo arena: http://localhost:9000/foo
Web UI Notes:
Pause the Arena refresh:
document.body.dataset.paused = true;
For GitHub Player backend:
- Create a GitHub App with perm Contents - Read-Only
- Generate a private key
export GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat ~/somewhere/your-integration.2017-02-07.private-key.pem)
export GITHUB_ORGREPO=cloudbowl/arenas
- Run the tests:
./sbt test
For Google Sheets Player backend:
Run on Google Cloud
- Create GKE Cluster with Cloud Run
gcloud config set core/project YOUR_PROJECT gcloud config set compute/region us-central1 gcloud config set container/cluster cloudbowl gcloud container clusters create \ --region=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region) \ --addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,CloudRun \ --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \ --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \ --enable-ip-alias \ --enable-autoscaling --num-nodes=3 --min-nodes=0 --max-nodes=20 \ --enable-autorepair \ --cluster-version=1.15 \ --scopes cloud-platform \ $(gcloud config get-value container/cluster)
- Install Strimzi Kafka Operator
kubectl create namespace kafka curl -L \ | sed 's/namespace: .*/namespace: kafka/' \ | kubectl apply -f - -n kafka
- Setup the Kafka Cluster
kubectl apply -n kafka -f .infra/kafka.yaml kubectl wait -n kafka kafka/cloudbowl --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
- Get your IP Address:
export IP_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') echo $IP_ADDRESS
- Create a GitHub App, with a push event WebHook to your web app (i.e. and with a preshared key you have made up. For permissions, select Contents Read-only and for Events select Push.
- Generate a Private Key for the GitHub App
- Install the GitHub App on the repo that will hold the players
- Create a ConfigMap named
:cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cloudbowl-config data: GITHUB_ORGREPO: # Your GitHub Org/Repo GITHUB_APP_ID: # Your GitHub App ID GITHUB_PSK: # Your GitHub WebHook's preshared key WEBJARS_USE_CDN: 'true' APPLICATION_SECRET: # Generated secret key (i.e. `head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64`) EOF kubectl create configmap cloudbowl-config-github-app --from-file=GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY=FULLPATH_TO_YOUR_GITHUB_APP.private-key.pem
- Setup Cloud Build with a trigger on master, excluding
, and with substitution vars_CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION
. Running the trigger will create the Kafka topics, deploy the battle service, and the web app. - Once the service is deployed, setup the domain name:
export IP_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n gke-system -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') echo "IP_ADDRESS=$IP_ADDRESS" gcloud beta run domain-mappings create --service cloudbowl-web --domain $ --platform=gke --project=$(gcloud config get-value core/project) \ --cluster=$(gcloud config get-value container/cluster) --cluster-location=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region) gcloud compute addresses create cloudbowl-ip --addresses=$IP_ADDRESS --region=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
- Turn on TLS support:
kubectl patch cm config-domainmapping -n knative-serving -p '{"data":{"autoTLS":"Enabled"}}' kubectl get kcert
# Pick a topic:
export TOPIC=viewer-ping
export TOPIC=players-refresh
export TOPIC=arena-update
# Describe a topic:
kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --image=strimzi/kafka:0.17.0-kafka-2.4.0 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server cloudbowl-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092 --topic $TOPIC
# Consume messages on a topic:
kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --image=strimzi/kafka:0.17.0-kafka-2.4.0 --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server cloudbowl-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092 --topic $TOPIC --from-beginning --property print.key=true --property key.separator=":"