This project offers
- PDF versions of the Swift Language Guide book.
- A script for downloading and transforming the html from Swift's site into one big html file. This prints nicely to a PDF using your browser.
- Swift Language Guide on one html file (great for easy searching).
The world needs a nice paper version of the Swift Language Guide, it's terrific documentation and a paper version is much easier to learn from. The epub version from Apple doesn't print well, this html->pdf route looks much better.
The Booklets PDF is for printing double sided, double page booklets of the book. This is probably the nicest way to read the book. (And saves a bit of ink and paper). The whole book is printed as four booklets, each should be folded in half and stapled along the fold. In the PDF, there is a blank page between each booklet so you know where to seperate them.
Printed and stapled, they look like this:
Viewing the whole book in one html page is nice for searching. To view in your browser, download the repo, then in the repo directory type
> cd <revision date>/final/
> python -m http.server 8080
<revision date>
refers to the swift documentation version update from it's revision history page. You probably want the latest one. If there's a newer one at, you can create a new version by following Recipes.
Then open http://localhost:8080/LanguageGuide/WholeBook.html in your browser
Want something slightly different? Need an update?
Recipes explains how to go from scraping the Swift site to generating the PDFs.
Happy to accept pull requests. Design changes, script improvements, everything is welcome.
Orginal by Apple under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.
Offered under the same license.