CSS TextEffects builder

This is the source to a CSS text effects builder at


text properties

  • base font

  • font size

  • font weight

  • text color

  • text outline width and color

  • text shadow width and color and angle and blur

  • react app, client side state only

  • type in the sample text, choose the color, font, size, weight, shadows, etc.

  • choose from a list of presets that I steal from other sites

  • each gives you the generated CSS and or a bitmap spritesheet

  • some buttons to generate random

  • all state in the URL, get people to trade them and send them to me

  • what font selection? just what’s in your browser for now. later look into google fonts

  • base text color, bg color, shadow color, shadow size and angle

  • get a common react color picker that doesn’t suck

  • an evolve button that takes what you have and generates 16 variations to choose from, then repeat the process. not all properties are evolved.

  • history in the browser url stack