{# {#
To start a new project with this template:
virtualenv env . ./env/bin/activate pip install jinja2 python new_project.py --author-name <Your Name> --author-email your.email@ambition.com --pypi-name pypy-package-name --repo-name github-repo-name --project-name python_project_name --rtd-subdomain my-project or python new_project.py --help
The new_project.py script will create all of the necessary folders and scaffolding for an app with project_name. Note that while most will name their projects something like "django-regex-field", the app name is normally a version of that string without "django" and with underscores instead of dashes. For example, "regex_field" would be an appropriate project name. Remember to rename your base folder to be your repo name rather than the project name.
Once the project is copied, it is up to the user to open the setup.py file and modify the following args:
- description: A short summary of the app. Be sure to write a description, otherwise it will show up as UNKNOWN on pypi.
- keywords: Relevant words associated with your project. Ex: 'api, python, datetime'
- install_requires: Any required packages
Other things to note:
- The .travis.yml file installs all necessary testing requirements, such as
flake8, and coverage. Note that it is required that your repo have 100% code coverage (including branches)
Go to github.com and:
- Create the initial public repository with nothing (i.e. no README, no LICENSE, etc).
- Put a description.
After the repo has been created, go back to your base folder in your project and type:
rm -rf .git # Remove the project template .git folder rm new_project.py git init git add . git commit -m 'Project scaffolding' git remote add origin git@github.com:ambitioninc/repo-name.git git push -u origin master
Please make a "develop" branch of the main project on Github and set "develop" as the default branch after it has been pushed.
Some project scaffolding documentation has been added for you, but you will need to add docstrings to your functions, classes, and methods yourself. A basic example has been added in docs/ref/project_name, but you'll have to manually tweak that yourself.
Don't forget to add a github webhook to ReadTheDocs so the documentaion is automatically updated on each build.
This project automatically has travisci build for python 2.7, and 3.4.d
To register the project before you make an initial release, run:
python setup.py register
{# Please put your description here #} I have failed to provide a good README.rst in my project, and you should shun me if I do any pull requests
To install the latest release, type:
pip install {{ pypi_name }}
To install the latest code directly from source, type:
pip install git+git://github.com/ambitioninc/{{ repo_name }}.git
Full documentation is available at http://{{ rtd_subdomain }}.readthedocs.org
MIT License (see LICENSE)