
Some helpful utilities I use for wrapping dh_virtualenv in CI environments.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

This project contains a few helpers for building /debian folders, primarily for Python projects (although it can be extended for others), and primarily for dh_virtualenv based projects.


Install the package, either through pip install debfolder or manually by pulling it down and running python setup.py install.

Create a deb.json file that contains at minimum the following values:

    "project": "projectname",
    "description": "This is an awesome project",
    "maintainer": "Joe Brigs <joe.brigs@email.com>"

You will likely also want to add the following sections for Python-based projects:

    "build_depends": ["python", "python-dev"],
    "depends": ["python"]

This file should ideally live inside the project folder, in the same directory as the setup.py or Makefile for the project you wish to build.

Run the debfolder command inside the project directory. Optionally, you can run debfolder --changelog to generate a Debian compatible changelog from a Git repository.

Run parse_git_log inside a Git repository folder to print out a Debian-compatible changelog without creating a Debian folder or writing any files.

The install option in deb.json allows additional files to be installed in specified folders. (It is a simple wrapper around debian/install and the dh_install behavior.)

    "project": "projectname",
    "install": {
        "static/images/*.jpg": "/opt/projectname/static/images/",
        "static/css/main.css": "/opt/projectname/static/css/main.css"


There are a lot of customizable options in the deb.json file or by using the direct functions inside debfolder.git_helpers.py or debfolder.setup_helpers.py. Specifically, debfolder.setup_helpers.py contains a find_data_files("/PATH") function which can be used in setup.py files to automatically discover static assets, templates, etc. for projects.

Use debfolder.git_helpers.py:get_current_version() inside a setup.py file if you would like to use the Git-generated version. These look like:


...and are designed to be used so that you don't have to keep versions up-to-date manually. This is especially useful in continuous integration / continuous deployment environments.

Feedback invited!