
Creep on which one of your developers is doing what in Rails console

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Supervise your Rails console.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'console_creep'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Install the initializer:

$ rails g console_creep:install


$ rails c 

Loading development environment (Rails
Email address: admin@example.com
Password: *******
Welcome admin@example.com!
As a reminder, this session is recorded.


ConsoleCreep.setup do |config|
  # == Enabled
  # If ConsoleCreep should be enabled for the current environment.
  # Default:
  #   config.enabled = Rails.env.production?
  # config.enabled = Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.production?
  # == Authorization
  # How you want to handle a user logging into Rails Console. Defaults
  # to a `:devise` strategy, which allows you to login with an email/password combo.
  # Default:
  #   config.authorization = :devise
  # You can optionally set the class of the Devise user that is presumed to be an admin, or
  # have an admin flag.
  # config.authorization = :devise, { class: "AdminUser" }
  # Or use a proc to check if the record is an admin record:
  # config.authorization = :devise, { class: "User", if: ->(user) { user.admin? } }
  # == Store
  # Where the logs of commands, results, and errors are stored. Options are `:logger` and `:database`.
  # Defaults to `:logger` and writing to `log/console.log`.
  # Default:
  #   config.store = :logger
  # Change the file:
  #   config.store = :logger, { file: Rails.root.join("log/creep.log") }
  # Or log everything to the database. This assumes you have a model called `ConsoleCreepLog`. See README.md for a migration.
  #   config.store = :database
  # Change the model:
  #   config.store = :database, { model: "ConsoleLog" }
  # Skip storing certain parts of the console process (options are `:command`, `:result`, and `:error`)
  #   config.store = :database, { model: "ConsoleLog", except: [:result] }
  # == Welcome Message
  # Set the welcome message. Use a proc or something that responds to `#call`.
  # Default:
  #   config.welcome = ->(user) { puts "\n Welcome #{user.email}!\n\nReminder: These sessions are recorded." }
  # == Skip logging for a specific user
  # Optionally skip logging for a specific authenticated user. Send it anything that responds to `#call`.
  # Default:
  #   config.log_for_user = ->(user) { true }
  # == Filtering out specific results
  # Pass an array of filter objects — an object that responds to `.call` and accepts arguments of `user`, `command`, `result`, `error`,
  # and return false if you want to exclude it from being stored by your `store`.
  # Default:
  #   config.filters << ->(user, command, result, error) { true }
  # Ignore everything that's an error:
  #   config.filters << ->(user, command, result, error) { error.present? }
  # log_for_user takes precedence.

Database logging

Generate the model and migration:

rails g console_creep:model 

will generate a model named ConsoleCreepLog along with a migration.

rails g console_creep:model ConsoleLog

will generate a model named ConsoleLog along with a migration.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/joshmn/consolecreep. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the ConsoleCreep project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.