Omero search engine app is used to search metadata (key-value pairs)
The search engine query is a dict that has three parts:
- The first part is "and_filter", it is a list, each item in the list is a dict that has three keys:
- name: attribute name (name in annotation_mapvalue table)
- value: attribute value (value in annotation_mapvalue table)
- operator: the operator, which is used to search the data, e.g. equals, no_equlas, contains, etc.
The second part of the query is or_filters; it has alternatives to search the database; it answers a question like finding the images which can satisfy one or more of conditions inside this list. It is a list of dict also and have the same format as the dict inside and_filter
The third part is the main_attributes, it allows the user to search using one or more of project _id, dataset_id, owner_id, group_id, owner_id, etc. It supports two operators, equals and not_equals. Hence, it is possible to search one project instead of all the projects, also it is possible to search the results which belong to a specific user or a group.
The search engine returns the results in a JSON which has the following keys:
- 'notice': A message to report an error or a message to the sender.
- 'query_details': The submitted query.
- 'resource': The resource, e.g. image
- 'server_query_time': The server query times in seconds
- 'results': the query results, which is a dict which has the following keys:
- 'size': Total query results.
- 'page': page number, a page contains a maximum of 10000 records. If the results have more records, they will be transformed using more than one page.
- 'bookmark': bookmark to be used to call the next page if the results exceed 10,000 records.
- 'total_pages': Total number of the pages that contains the results.
- 'results': a list that contains the results. Each item inside the list is a dict. The dict keys contain, image id, name in addition to all the metadata (key/pair, i.e. "key_values") values for the image. Each item has other data such as the image owner Id and group id, project id and name, etc.
It is possible to query the search engine to get all the available resources (e.g. image) and their keys (names) using the following URL:
The user can get the available values for a specific key for a recourse, e.g. what are the available values for Organism:
The following python script sends a query to the search engine and gets the results
import logging
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
# url to send the query
image_ext = "/resources/image/searchannotation/"
# url to get the next page for a query, bookmark is needed
image_page_ext = "/resources/image/searchannotation_page/"
# search engine url
base_url = ""
import sys
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
def query_the_search_ending(query, main_attributes):
query_data = {"query": {'query_details': query,"main_attributes":main_attributes}}
query_data_json = json.dumps(query_data)
resp ="%s%s" % (base_url, image_ext), data=query_data_json)
res = resp.text
start =
returned_results = json.loads(res)
if not returned_results.get("results"):
elif len(returned_results["results"]) == 0:"Your query returns no results")
return"Query results:")
total_results = returned_results["results"]["size"]"Total no of result records %s" % total_results)"Server query time: %s seconds" % returned_results["server_query_time"])"Included results in the current page %s" % len(returned_results["results"]["results"]))
recieved_results_data = []
for res in returned_results["results"]["results"]:
recieved_results = len(returned_results["results"]["results"])
#et the bookmar to used in the next the page, if the number of pages is bigger than 1
bookmark = returned_results["results"]["bookmark"]
#get the total number of pages
total_pages = returned_results["results"]["total_pages"]
page = 1"bookmark: %s, page: %s, received results: %s" % (
bookmark, (str(page) + "/" + str(total_pages)), (str(recieved_results) + "/" + str(total_results))))
while recieved_results < total_results:
page += 1
query_data = {"query": {'query_details': returned_results["query_details"]}, "bookmark": bookmark}
query_data_json = json.dumps(query_data)
resp ="%s%s" % (base_url, image_page_ext), data=query_data_json)
res = resp.text
returned_results = json.loads(res)
except Exception as e:"%s, Error: %s"%(resp.text,e))
bookmark = returned_results["results"]["bookmark"]
recieved_results = recieved_results + len(returned_results["results"]["results"])
for res in returned_results["results"]["results"]:
recieved_results_data.append(res)"bookmark: %s, page: %s, received results: %s" % (
bookmark, (str(page) + "/" + str(total_pages)), (str(recieved_results) + "/" + str(total_results))))"Total received results: %s" % len(recieved_results_data))
return recieved_results_data
query_1 = {"and_filters": [{"name": "Organism", "value": "Homo sapiens", "operator": "equals"},
{"name": "Antibody Identifier", "value": "CAB034889", "operator": "equals"}],
"or_filters": [[{"name": "Organism Part", "value": "Prostate", "operator": "equals"},
{"name": "Organism Part Identifier", "value": "T-77100", "operator": "equals"}]]}
query_2 = {"and_filters": [{"name": "Organism", "value": "Mus musculus", 'operator': 'equals'}]}
main_attributes=[]"Sending the first query:")
results_1 = query_the_search_ending(query_1,main_attributes)"=========================")"Sending the second query:")
results_2 = query_the_search_ending(query_2,main_attributes)
#The above returns 130834 within 23 projects
#[101, 301, 351, 352, 353, 405, 502, 504, 801, 851, 852, 853, 1151, 1158, 1159, 1201, 1202, 1451, 1605, 1606, 1701, 1902, 1903]
#It is possible to get the results in one project, e.g. 101 by using main_attributes filters
main_attributes_2={ "and_main_attributes": [{
"name":"project_id","value": 101, "operator":"equals"}]}
#It is possible to get the results and exculde one project, e.g. 101
main_attributes_3={"and_main_attributes":[{"name":"project_id","value": 101, "operator":"not_equals"}]}
- There is a simple GUI ( to build the query and send it to the search engine
- It is used to build the query
- It will display the results when they are ready
- The app uses Elasticsearch
- There is a method inside (create_index) to create a separate index for image, project, dataset, screen, plate and well using two templates:
- image template (image_template) for image index. It is derived from some Omero tables into a single Elasticsearch index (image, annoation_mapvalue, imageannotationlink, project, dataset, well, plate and screen to generate a single index.
- non-image template (non_image_template) for other indices (project, dataset, well, plate, screen). It is derived from some Omero tables depending on the resource, for example for the project, it combines project, projectannotationlink and annotation_mapvalue.
- both of the two templates are in
- The data can be moved using SQL queries which generate the CSV files; the queries are in
- There is a method inside script (add_resource_data_to_es_index) that reads the CSV files and inserts the data to the Elasticsearch index.
- I am investigating automatic updates of the elastic search data in case of the data inside the PostgreSQL database has been changed.
- The data can be transferred directly from the Omero database to the Elasticsearch using a method inside (get_index_data_from_database):
- It creates the elastic search indices for each resource
- it queries the Omero database, after receiving the data it process and push them to the Elasticsearch indices.
- This process takes a relatively long time, it depends on the hosting machine specs. The user can adjust how many rows can be processed at one call to the Omero database:
- set the no of rows using a method inside the (set_cache_rows_number), the following will set the number to be 1000
- path/to/python set_cache_rows_number -s 10000
- The data can be also moved using SQL queries which generate the CSV files; the queries are in
- There is a method inside script (add_resource_data_to_es_index) which reads the CSV files and inserts the data to the Elasticsearch index.
- I am investigating automatic updates of the elastic search data in case of the data inside the PostgreSQL database has been changed.
For the configuration and installation instructions, please read the following document doc/configuration/