
answer to questions in README

Primary LanguageRuby

Tashawn's Assignment 7/23

Create a new github repo, complete the following deliverables, send me the link to your repo when you're done. You DO NOT have to make me a collaborator

Domain: Student-Teacher


  • A Student has a first_name (string)
  • A Student has a last_name (string)
  • A Student has a grade_level (string), for ex: "first", "second", "third", etc...
  • Student#full_name should return the first and last name of the student in one string, for ex: "Ian Grubb"
  • Student#grade_level should return the student's grade level
  • Student.all should return a list of all students
  • Student.all_in_grade should receive an argument of a grade, ex: "first", and return all students who are in that grade


  • A Teacher has a last_name (string)
  • A Teacher has a grade_level (string)
  • A Teacher has a years_of_experience (integer)
  • Teacher#tenure should return true if a teacher has taught more than 5 years, otherwise false You should have a completed seeds file for testing

Answer the following questions:

  • Which method(s) does Active Record create for you?

-- Student#first_name, Student#last_name, Student#grade_level, Student.all

  • Which method(s) did you have to create yourself? Why?

--Student.all_in_grade because it required a condition to return a portion of the records, not all of them --Teacher#tenure because it requires that I specify a condition that gives me extra information about the record