
Gets the newest image from Interfacelift and set it as the desktop background.

Primary LanguagePython


Interfacelift has a daily wallpaper on the homepage. I wrote this script to get this daily image and set it as the desktop background on my computer. I couldn't use their API because the free trial is only 100 requests, so I went with web scraping. I use Beautiful Soup (which has excellent documentation) and requests (over urllib). This is my first web scraping script!

How to use

  1. Make sure you have:

    1. Python 3
    2. Python's requests module (try import requests in Python)
    3. Beautiful Soup 4 (try import bs4 in Python)
    4. gsettings (try gsettings --version in your terminal)
  2. Download the script.

  3. Set RESOLUTION and DOWNLOAD_LOCATION to your preferred values in interfacelift.py. I set this as ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/interfacelift.

  4. Run the script.

  5. If you'd like, you can set up a Linux system to run the script regularly. Run crontab -e and add a line to the bottom according to the instructions. In your crontab line, run interfacelift.sh. See interfacelift.sh for more information about why it is requred to run that instead of interfacelift.py.

    • For example, I have 0 * * * * bash ~/path/to/interfacelift.sh in my crontab. This runs the script every hour.


If you have any issues, feel free to open an issue and I will see what I can do.