Conway's Game of Life

Game of life front end web app built in week 10 of Makers.

screen shot 2018-10-14 at 15 09 10

Keywords: React, Javasript, Cypress, TDD


The Game of life is a zero player game developed in the 70s by John Horton Conway. Check out the wikipedia article.

I undertook this project to test my TDD process, logical programming and also to continue my own learning with React.

The Brief

The rules are as follows:

  • The game evolves in turns, commonly known as 'ticks'.
  • All changes occur at the same time.
  • Any live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbours survives until next tick.
  • Any live cell with less than 2 live neighbours dies (underpopulation).
  • Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbours dies (overpopulation).
  • Any dead cell with exactly 3 neighbours becomes a live cell (reproduction).

Write code that is capable of calculating each new generation, given a starter board. Although you don't have to build a visualisation tool to be able to see the evolution, it should be easy to extend the program to add on a web or command line ui.

How to Use

Clone this repo:

git clone

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run the app locally on your machine:

npm start OR yarn start


The game was built test-first using Cypress for end-to-end testing.

Open up the testing suite with:

yarn cypress:open

I used the following user stories as a guide for the feature tests:

User Stories

As a player of games
So that I can I marvel in the wonder that is game of life
I want to be able to load the webpage and see a grid

As a player
So that I can set the initial game configuration
I want to be able to click on a cell to change its state

As a player
So that I can see the game evolve
I want to be able to click a button that updates the grid