
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dev team

Alastair Edmonds Aneel Marshall Josh Nickson Lucien Najev

As a team we have created this project in one week using technologies that were all brand new to us, we had no experience of Express, Node.js or MongoDB and so this was a good test of the teams ability to learn and implement new technologies very quickly. We followed a Test and behaviour driven Agile workflow, programming in pairs and holding regular stand ups and retros every day.

GoPythonBNB uses the following technologies:

  • Javascript
  • node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Jasmine
  • Zombie

How to download and run GoPythonBnB locally:

Start by cloning this repo. Make sure you have NodeJs installed on your machine. Then install the dependencies via node package manager:

npm install

Next, boot up the server with nodemon. The website will then be accessible on your browser at localhost:3000.

We created a web application that allows users to list spaces they have available, and to hire spaces for the night.

User Stories - Headline specifications

as a user,
so i can use the service,
I want to be able to sign up to the website.

as a user,
so I can use the website,
I want to be able to log in with an email address and password

As a user,
I want to be able to list multiple properties.

As a user,
I should be able to offer a range of dates where my space is available.

As a signed up user,
I should be able to request to hire a space for one night.

As a user,
I should be able to approve a request from another user to hire my space.

As a user,
I should not be able to book a space for a date
if the space is already booked(confirmed) for that date by another user.

As a user,
I can receive multiple booking requests for the same date
from different users until I confirm a booking.