
Simple question about having multiple instances of Pots

fabiendostie opened this issue · 14 comments

Hello, I am quite new to teensy in general...
so my issue might be somewhat "noob"
I tried different ways to add multiple instances of pots using your library
And I can't seem to find the exact syntax for it
here's what I got, it's compiling but only one out of the 4 pots are reacting:

#include "MIDIcontroller.h"

byte MIDIchannel = 5;
const int potPin = A0; // Change this to the ANALOG pin you want to use
const int potPin1 = A1;
const int potPin2 = A2; 
const int potPin3 = A3; 
// Pot parameters are: pin, CC number, KILL switch enabled
// When KILL is enabled, separate CC messages (with a different number) will be sent
// when you turn the pot all the way down and when you start turning it up again.
// Simply omit the "KILL" argument if you don't want that.
MIDIpot myPot(potPin, 22, KILL);
MIDIpot myPot1(potPin1, 23, KILL);
MIDIpot myPot2(potPin2, 24, KILL);
MIDIpot myPot3(potPin3, 25, KILL);

// OPTIONAL: use outputRange() to limit the min/max MIDI output values
//  myPot.outputRange(0, 127);

void setup(){

void loop(){

// This prevents crashes that happen when incoming usbMIDI is ignored.

// Also uncomment this if compiling for standard MIDI
//  while({}

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it seems that your library is giving me excellent analog read for my pots, I have been struggling to find a library that effectively reduces the noise enough so that the pots aren't "giggly"

Use a pointer array and a couple of 'for' loops for that. The muxedInput example shows how that works but if you're not using a mux chip and want all the pots on different pins, it would be something like this.

#include "MIDIcontroller.h"
byte MIDIchannel = 5;

MIDIpot* myPots[4]; // Just declare the pointer array here (notice the *)

void setup(){
  // Create all the pots during setup.
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    myPots[i] = new MIDIpot(14+i, 22+i, 102+i); // use unique CCs instead of KILL for multiple pots

void loop(){
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    myPots[i]->send(); // notice the -> operator  

// This prevents crashes that happen when incoming usbMIDI is ignored.

// Also uncomment this if compiling for standard MIDI
//  while({}

Wow thanks, I think this is the fastest answer I have ever received!

I think I understand the logic, I'll take more time to really understand this. I'm from a completely different field originally so code is somewhat new to me. I am starting to make sense of this more and more every day. thanks to kind people like you.!

one question?
Are these just some random CC you picked or is there a specific reason you chose those ones?

 myPots[i] = new MIDIpot(14+i, 22+i, 102+i); 

so, say I have 12 pots I would basically replace all the instances where the number is "4" in your example by the number 12 and obviously have 12 different cc's for it

also, I dont understand how the analog pins are specified in your example, which ones are used for pots for example...

Not exactly random. I chose 14+i because you specified the A0~A3 pins and that's the same as 14~17 (You can use either naming convention and still use analogRead). I chose 22+i because you specified CC 22~25. I chose 102+i because 102 begins a list of 18 undefined CC numbers in the general MIDI spec. It's probably not that important that they're previously undefined as long as they don't overlap with other CC numbers you're trying to use.

so, say I have 12 pots I would basically replace all the instances where the number is "4" in your example by the number 12 and obviously have 12 different cc's for it

That is correct...assuming you have 12 consecutive analog pins you can use.

The second number is the CC that the analog pot will control. The third number is an optional on/off switch that can be assigned to any other CC number. Sometimes, when you turn an effect all the way down, it still generates some noise or the effect won't go all the way 'dry'. This secondary CC allows you to assign the pot to the enable/disable button of an effect to kill it completely. You could probably come up with some other creative uses too but, if you just want a good old fashioned analog pot, just leave off the third number.

I don't see a 'picture attached' but, if you could post your sketch, that would help.

Actually, I'm testing using exactly the sketch you provided me:

#include "MIDIcontroller.h"
byte MIDIchannel = 5;

MIDIpot* myPots[4]; // Just declare the pointer array here (notice the *)

void setup(){
  // Create all the pots during setup.
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    myPots[i] = new MIDIpot(14+i, 22+i, 102+i); // use unique CCs instead of KILL for multiple pots

void loop(){
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    myPots[i]->send(); // notice the -> operator  

// This prevents crashes that happen when incoming usbMIDI is ignored.

// Also uncomment this if compiling for standard MIDI
//  while({}

and here is the picture:
if I can get this to be stable and free of "jittering and wiggling, " I'll move on to implement it to the rest of my interface, which has 12 pots, 2 X rotary 3 poles 4 positions switches and four buttons.

By the way, I do have another question regarding those switches, I'm not sure which bit of code I should be used for those, I think you do not have anything for those. Or do you?

Yeah, that looks a bit noisy. It looks like you're testing the pot for CC 23. Do you have pots hooked up on the other pins that are reading CC 22, CC 24 and CC 25? If not, you'll get noisy analog readings from naked pins peppered in like that.

Even just the readings for CC 23 are a little jumpy though. Is the pot is wired as a potentiometer (one pin to voltage, one pin to ground and the center 'wiper' to the analog pin)? If you only have it wired as a variable resistor (using 2 pins) it'll be dirty.

As for the switches, just hook each pole to a pin and use the MIDIbutton class. That makes me think maybe I should change the name of that class to MIDIswitch since flip switches and rotary switches are handled the same as push switches.

Hey Josh,
Hope you're well.
I tried hooking up 6 of my potentiometers and one of the 3 pole 4 stop rotary switch. And results are not as great as when I had only one potentiometer. Any clue as to what I can do to make it more stable and have less fluctuations?
switches and pots are good quality Japanese made "Alps"
here's the code i used, it's probably wrong:

#include "MIDIcontroller.h"
byte MIDIchannel = 5;
const int latchPin = 10; //any digital pin
// const int ledPin = 13;   //Set an LED to show the state of a latch button.

MIDIpot* myPots[7]; // Just declare the pointer array here (notice the *)
// MOMENTARY buttons are the default. LATCH or TRIGGER may also be set
MIDIbutton* myInput[4];
void setup(){
  // Create all the pots during setup.
  for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
    myPots[i] = new MIDIpot(14+i, 22+i, 102+i); // use unique CCs instead of KILL for multiple pots
    // Create all the switch inputs during setup.
    for(int s = 0; s < 4; s++){
    myInput[s] = new MIDIbutton(33+s, 34+s, 114+s); // use unique CCs instead of KILL for multiple pots
  // pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
    myPots[i]->send(); // notice the -> operator
  for(int s = 0; s < 4; s++){
// This prevents crashes that happen when incoming usbMIDI is ignored.

// Also uncomment this if compiling for standard MIDI
//  while({}
  • sometimes it's still fluctuating quite a bit, other times its almost perfect ! but not I do not understand why?
  • the rotary encoder switch does not behave as expected, but that is probably due to the "kill" function thing in the code, but it would not compile when I took it out.
  • it did show some midi for the rotary , but only once and only for one of the clicks, it seemed like it was the "kill" function because it would write 127 as the number but it only worked once!?!(checked continuity and wires are well connected so its not a soldering issue.
  • What I want it to be able to do is to be able to select between 4 items or states. but now its not.


the rotary encoder switch does not behave as expected, but that is probably due to the "kill" function thing in the code, but it would not compile when I took it out.
Three problems with this: 1) I don't think you're using a 'rotary encoder'. That's a different kind of component. It looks like you have a rotary switch in that second photo. 2) You're right, you can't put anything but MOMENTARY, LATCH or TRIGGER as the third argument when making a button. You want MOMENTARY for that kind of switch.

for(int s = 0; s < 4; s++){
  myInput[s] = new MIDIbutton(33+s, 34+s, MOMENTARY);

It's not meant to be required. I need to fix that but for now, as long as it says MOMENTARY there, it'll work.

As for the noise, I'd look at the wiring first. There's a lot going on here and it's hard to see what goes where. I can't tell by the color of the wires whether the post are wired correctly. They're nice pots but they prefer to be panel-mounted. Then it would be easy to run a single wire across all of them for voltage, another single wire across all of them for ground and just have the returns running directly to the Teensy. Maybe set the Teensy somewhere in that perfboard to keep the wires as short as possible. The more solder joints and splices, the more opportunities for noise.