A library for creating Teensy MIDI controllers with support for hold or latch buttons, potentiometers, encoders, capacitive sensors, Piezo transducers and other velocity sensitive inputs with aftertouch.
- 5
- 10
This lib doesn't do Program Change messages
#28 opened by joshnishikawa - 7
Cannot run MIDIswitch_toggle
#32 opened by HaViGit - 8
3.1.0 Sensitivity
#29 opened by digitalelements - 2
No releases or tags of 3.x
#31 opened by docwilco - 1
Compatibility with other boards
#30 opened by ojungleboy - 10
MIDIswitch.ino example has error status 1
#33 opened by gtripper1970 - 4
Teensy 4 and Touch
#6 opened by Troub99 - 32
Inout Range & Threshold
#25 opened by digitalelements - 11
Threshold Adjustment for MIDIswitch
#27 opened by digitalelements - 8
Feature Request (Seeeduino Xiao)
#26 opened by digitalelements - 1
start value of RotaryEncoder
#24 opened by mrbbp - 2
Arduino IDE 2.0.0 install issue
#22 opened by Marsupio - 6
Malfunctioning usbMIDI.setHandleSystemExclusive(mySystemExclusive) on Teensy 2.0 returns wrong size!
#21 opened by ruiseixasm - 14
- 1
Undefined reference to MIDIchannel
#20 opened by jobbojobson - 5
enable to have a initiale value of MIDIPot
#19 opened by mrbbp - 5
Encoder count limit?
#17 opened by jabberwalky1 - 4
Encoder buttons
#16 opened by JukkaPVK - 2
Teensy LC support
#15 opened by swordsreversed - 2
Use usbHost on Teensy 4.1?
#14 opened by Miq1 - 1
How to use MidiOff
#12 opened by Reaktor63 - 1
- 3
- 1
MIDI stops when/if the max value setting of the new inputRange is exceeded
#11 opened by digitalelements - 2
Using a 4051 Multiplexer??
#10 opened by nimans4 - 2
MIDIpot doesn't work with Teensy3.2
#9 opened by Phipanjo - 1
Teensy4 support?
#7 opened by Shootingmaker - 2
'elapsedMillis' does not name a type Error
#5 opened by MaliceDee - 5
MIDI Pot smooth does not work at all.
#4 opened by johannthorir - 1
- 1
no such as directory
#3 opened by Shootingmaker