Template for Dockerized Spring Boot + React App

Launching the project in Debug mode

  1. Launch the Spring Boot project with debugger in any preferable way (using the IDE / etc)
  2. Navigate to the src/main/frontend
  3. Set the proxy value for package.json file with the correct http(s) path to your environment:
  "proxy": "http://localhost:8080"
  1. Run npm start to launch the front-end watcher and find the development version of UI navigating to the link http://localhost:3000

Dockerized build for Spring Boot + React App

This document contains how-to instraction to build and run app using Docker and Docker Compose.

Build and run with development profile
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Build and run with production profile
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d

Deployment to Kubernetes on Azure

Setup kubernetes, mysql server and container registry

Please pay attantion that local mysql is required to init db.

./setup.sh --master-count 1 --agent-count 1 --location westus --db-admin-password Password@1

Build docker image


Deploy app


Please see how-to for more details