
A simple example of the bounties DApp with a React.js front end used in the AngelHack Intro To Ethereum: Build your 1st DApp Workshop

  • Any user with an Ethereum account can Issue a bounty in ETH with the requirements
  • Any user can submit a fulfillment of the bounty with evidence
  • The bounty issuer can accept a fulfillment which would result in the fulfiller being paid out


  1. Install Truffle globally.

    npm install -g truffle
  2. Install ganache-cli

    npm install -g ganache-cli
  3. Install npm packages

    npm install

Run Tests

  1. Run ganache-cli

  2. Run test through truffle

    truffle test

Deploy to Rinkeby

  1. Add a file in the root of the directory named 'secrets.json'

    touch secrets.json
  2. Populate the 'secrets.json' file with your mnemonic

      "mnemonic": "my good mnemonic ..."
  3. Run deploy through truffle

    truffle migrate --network rinkeby

Launch front end in dev mode

You will need to have deployed the smart contracts first!

  1. Run via npm
    npm run start